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I figure if anyone ever checks this site after the five or six months for which it has basically laid dormant, I owe it to you to give a little update on what is, was, and will always be the the greatest band in pussy-rock, Twelve Inch Jay. Bruce, Kyle, Nick, and Nate have all become college men and fully matured as people, musicians, and above all, lovers. Although, the distance that seperates the band [physically but not spiritually] prevents them from playing on, the group will continue to make their music into the future. This december, the band will get together and restart a little of the magic that was kindled almost five years earlier. If they do not perform this winter, do not fret, for is proud to announce that in the summer of 2003, Twelve Inch Jay will headline its own national tour (details will be relesed at a later, unknown, date). We apologize for all the current inconveniences on the website (ie the message board, guest book, and the pop-up on the bottom of the screen). Unfortunately, I am way too lazy to fix them. Remember, Twelve Inch Jay loves you. God Bless

-from your friends at

Mailing List
