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Smarter than you think.....
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We ArE ThE iDiOtS!!!!!!!

This is our site here you will learn about one of the best punk bands in Rutherford.


UPDATES: june 16 2003 hey wats up idiots fans? its matt, its been such a long time since we updated the site... bout a mont and a half but who cares cause i finaly did update it. actually this is my last update on this site cause we are getting a stie profesionally made and crap FOR FREE ,everything free is good, so ya thats the end of this peice of shit site-- hullo hightech webstie shit. its gunna be so great its gunna have a webcam and vidios and a chat room.... actually its not but that would be cool... its probibly just gunna have the same shit that we have on this site except its just gunna look better, but hell its all about the looks rite? now ur probibly all thinking ok great matt who gives a fuck just give us the web address of the next site when u get it but in the mean time just tell us about the idiots. ok so news on the idiots for starters it seems like we are growing a real fan base like a few people who like our music, then we just releced a live cd frum or skaters world show. we only made about 25 coppies of that so if you want one burn it ask us for one or steal it frum ur friends ( i suguest u steal it cause we probily wont make more soon). also we just played a show at the band shell it went over great we sounded wonderfull and we played for an hour .... dont worry if you missed it cause we should be playing there quite a bit over the summmer (atlest once more)so dont worry bout not hearing us we wrote a new song 2day and 2morro we should just be polishing it off so that is sounds good.... did i miss anything?? i dont think so... um we mite make some shirts in the future but agian the future can be anywhere within the next few days to a couple years (i kno thats an estimate the gove would give you but thats the best i can do)well thats all the info i kno later ~~
1/21/03: 05/06/03


if you would like to contact us for anything contact at or if you have sent any mail to the old address we sugest you re send it to the new one because the old one was never checked