Calcis, Alabama is My Home.


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Calcis, Alabama - Family Tree / Genealogy Blog(s)
Justice Family Reunion, 2005
Calcis - Family Images, 2004
Online Albums
Abernathy/Abernethy Photos
Cats In Motion
Effie Davis Ferguson and Robert Nathan Ferguson, some of my Paternal ancestors [Great-great-grandparents]
My Mom's Photo Collection
Spruiell Family Information
Spruiell Family

Calcis History and Related Pages

History of Calcis, Alabama


Calcis - Family Photos

Turner Family Photos

*** New - Sitemap 2005

Cathy's Ancestors

Spruiells - Family page

Misc. Pages

My most recent resume

Spruiell family Page

One more - Spruiell Family Page

My Family, Friends, and Associates' Sites:

  1. Jacksonville Merchants Association
  3. Virtual Hobby Store
  4. Blue Springs Bazaar - Books and much more.
  5. "Nero Wolfe" Site - Features many book covers
  6. Taracat's First Site

Some of My Family Tree Blogs/Sites:

  1. Abbeville (SC) Ancestors
  2. Meadows Family of Alabama
  3. Ayres/Aers Family (USA)
  4. Carters of Alabama
  5. Catawba Families
  6. Calcis, Alabama
  7. Coosa County (AL) Families
  8. OUR Creek Cousins
  9. E. A. Turner of Alabama
  10. Generations Before Me
  11. Hale/Haile family in Alabama
  12. Hayne Family (Alabama)
  13. Jewish Great-gr-gr-gr-gr-grandmothers
  14. Honeycutts in North Carolina
  15. Hummingbird's Nest (Alabama)
  16. Justice Family of Central Alabama
  17. Knadel's Child
  18. Macedonia North Baptist Church Cemetery (Vincent, Alabama
  19. MY Alabama Cousins
  20. OUR Owen Cousins
  21. Patty-Pate-Patey Family (USA)
  22. Pickard-Pickette-Piccard Family (NC, USA)
  23. Silber/Silvers (North Carolina) Family
  24. Two River Cat (Cathy's Ancestors -- Family Report, 2005)
  25. SilverCat35178's Lycos site (BLOG included)

Other Pages Within This Site:

  1. /images ---
  2. /ivy-lee-abernathy ---
  3. /revolver --- FOLDER
  4. /spruiell-family-pix --- FOLDER
  5. 1980.html ---
  6. 1981.html ---
  7. 1982.html ---
  8. 1983.html ---
  9. 1984.html ---
  10. 1987.html ---
  11. 1988.html ---
  12. 1989.html ---
  13. 1995.htm ---
  14. 1995.html ---
  15. 1996.html ---
  16. 23Nansemond-Waccamaws-June2020-Catawbas.html ---
  17. 27Nansemond-Waccamaws-June2020-Catawbas.html ---
  18. abc-index.html ---
  19. abc_index.html ---
  20. abilit2.html ---
  21. ability1.html ---
  22. ala-band-links.html ---
  23. bardens.htm ---
  24. basic-page.html ---
  25. basic-page.txt ---
  26. brothers-1998.htm ---
  27. brothers-1998.html ---
  28. brothers-card.html ---
  29. brothers-fall99.html ---
  30. brothers.html ---
  31. brothers2000.html ---
  32. cats.html ---
  33. celtic.html ---
  34. celticdragon12.html ---
  35. cherokee-glimpse.html ---
  36. cherokee-history.html ---
  37. cherokee-links.html ---
  38. cherokee-mail.html ---
  39. cherokee.html ---
  40. cyber-seduction.html ---
  41. dyslexia1999.html ---
  42. genealogy-cherokee-connections.html ---
  43. geo-taracat-1017.html ---
  44. larrys-bros-page.htm ---
  45. moremusic.html ---
  46. music.html ---
  47. music.txt ---
  48. music2.html ---
  49. musicgrid.html ---
  50. musiciansreferral.html ---
  51. musiclinks2000.html ---
  52. musicwebsite.html ---
  53. oldie.txt ---
  54. orphans1.txt ---
  55. photoalbum1.htm ---
  56. photoalbum2.htm ---
  57. photoalbum3.htm ---
  58. photoalbum4.htm ---
  59. photoalbum5.htm ---
  60. poet-index.txt ---
  61. poet-musician.html ---
  62. poetryindex.txt ---
  63. poetrypage.txt ---
  64. res-caa2.txt ---
  65. review1.txt ---
  66. review3.txt ---
  67. slumber.txt ---
  68. slumber2.txt ---
  69. songbook.txt ---
  70. songlyrics.html ---
  71. songwriting.html ---
  72. spruiells.html ---
  73. tcat-w3-8-50megs.html ---
  74. telluridephotos.html ---
  75. thumbphotos2000.html ---
  76. tir-bands.html ---
  77. tir-blank.html ---
  78. tir-website.html ---
  79. tir.htm ---
  80. tir.html ---

18 September 2021

Well... here goes another update. "" has been inactive for quite a while now. So, I have had to find other links to place on this page.

Refreshing other bits, and hoping that I can view everything the way I except it to look.

Calcis, Alabama

is my home.

11 March 2019

Dusting off the cobwebs...and making sure the links list herein actually are working properly.
Dust still lingers...I am certain, but I have not been to my management/account on this site in quite a while.

Hopefully, I will get back, download a 'backup' of files included in this account, and "dust them off" as well.
Went looking for further information about MERCY HARRIS - and distant ancestor of mine; and found what I had listed on a report included in a related site. Which ultimately lead me here.

Such is how much of my genealogy research circles!

How about your research treks?

Anyway, with the change to Daylight's is much later than it would have been -- so I had best close things out for the moment.
More later.

-- C A Abernathy

June 28, 2005

Be sure to check out and sign up so you can add a comment in our "BLOG"

It has been quiet thus far, and I would enjoy hearing from folks that visit my site.

There is a 'major overhaul' I need to do with this website. First and most easily updated will be the online album pages; but this too will take time. I have hundreds of photos to get organized, sized, and captions written for. These photos range from family heirloom photos, to band & college photos from the 1980's-1990's, to everyday (digital) photos that I and Dave have taken around the farm the past several years.

Should you find a photo on one of these pages that you would like a "Full-sized" copy of; I can make arrangements and get them (burned to CD), and sent 'snail mail' to you for a reasonable fee. Postage and shipping isn't cheap these days, as you know.

One last 'blurb' -- please visit our book site:

Blue Springs Bazaar

All sales presently are strictly through "".

So please use their contact links if you have questions about a particular title.

Justice Family Homeplace
Prior to 1960's

Genealogy Notes

I have taken a bit of a break from doing family tree research; but do answer email queries about folks who are listed in my GEDCOM information, and online databases.

If I can find a system of presenting my GEDCOM information on my OWN website, that is not too bulky or awkward to use, I hope to have the 'extended' family tree uploaded sometime in the (near?) future.

Until then I will continue to host my data with and other FREE genealogy services. So please check these out if you want to know more.

To access my most recent file directly, go to the welcome page and type "werecat2005" in the 'go to a specific database' box, then press 'enter. This should get you to the master index of the 50,000+ individuals currently in my 'extended tree.

Thank you, for stopping by. "Ya'll come back" again.

-- Cathy Ann Abernathy

June 23 2005

After having lost the more recent version of my "index.html" page. I have had to 'dig up' and older version and dust off the code; migrate some text to seperate pages, and add this new entry.

There are many more things I want to do; but it's late, and I want some much needed sleep.

I'll be back soon with link to several online photos album pages (still being 'roughed-out') and other things related to family and photos.

G'bye for now.

--- Cathy Ann Abernathy


Archived Text Entries

July 27, 2003
August 8, 2003
November 4, 2003

Music / Songwriting

Marc-Alan Barnette - songwriter/performer
Rollin In The Hay

    NE Alabama Music/Bands

    Artists Publications The Independent Review (archives) Music (Index) - Additions coming soon.

    "Rollin' In The Hay""

"Trail of Tears"
See: Tsagali: (Cherokee) Page

Site Search & Sitemap - Browse the many facets of this site.

NEW LINKS for the curious:
Consumer Information Catalog

Be sure to sign a comment in our blog:
Calcis "Blog"

Copyright © 1996-2021
Site Conception & Construction

By: Cathy Ann Abernathy
Original Text CAN NOT be used without prior written permission.