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We are Rusted Cross

Jeff Wyles - Vocals
Tim Limer - Guitars
Mark Simmons - Drums
Chad Sherman - Bass and Backing Vocals
Scot Davis - Guitars and Backing Vocals

    Rusted Cross is a metal band from Kansas City, Missouri.  We formed in the summer of 2002.  Jeff and Tim were previously with the band Rycheous, Mark comes to us from Alexandria, Virginia.  Chad and Scot started the band while attending UMKC.  Our influences are Downthesun, Iced Earth, Fear Factory, Biohazard, and Ilijah (also from KC). 



    27.05.03 Recording has concluded on our album, which is now to be known as "Misfortune Teller", We will be having a release party at the Manchester here in KC on June 6th, we will playing a set at 10pm and the opening acts 'Recombobulated', and 'Furry Wilson' will go on at 8pm and 9pm respectively. Everyone should come check us out! There will be door prises in the form of tshirts, studded heavy metal chokers, and of course FREE CDS!!!!


    We have almost finished production on "Faded Torment" still due out in mid-May. We have a demo mp3 uploaded, its the track "Saint Lucifer," a real hardcore look at how religion is ruling a lot of people's lives and we all need to open our eyes and do our own thing. You can get the song here.

    Rusted Cross will be playing the Manchester on May 10th with Wyrum and Singal Pulsar.  In case you haven't been to the Manchester before, its not hard to find, its located at 8408 Wornall, right by the Paino Room. The first band will start at 7pm and its $3 at the door.  Its been a while since we have played an all ages show, so we should have a huge turnout.

Stay Rusted, Baby!


     Hey everyone. First off please accept my apologies on the website being down for a couple days. It appears that the people at VISA get angry when you don't pay your bill and stop letting people charge to your account. Problem taken care of, website back on line. Rusted Cross will be changing servers within the next couple weeks however, and scot has plenty more surprises up his sleeve.

    I do have some sad news to report, the guys in Hot Iron Skillet have decided to call it quits. Unfortuantely Rusted Cross never got to share the stage with them but we did play in their venue, The Powerhouse. It was probably one of the best venues we have had the chance to play. They made sure everyone was well taken care of. That said, the Powerhouse has too been shut down. The Feb 21st show that included Rusted Cross, Clone and Lidlifter has been cancelled. We wish the skillet guys the best of luck in their future endeavors.

    The Feb 22nd show at Viele's Planet is still a go however. This is our first time to Viele's without our friends Enamel or Lidlifter. According to Facelift's website the line up is: Loki, Drawing a Blank, Rusted Cross and Facelift headlines. The show starts at 9PM. We would love to see some of the Rusted Cross' faithful make the trip.  March 1st we will be making the trip to Grandview to play an all day festival at the Theater with our friends in Resurface.


