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Rijit's Screams/Vocals


Birthday: 7/6/87... Buy me a present or give me a Sesame Street balloon.

Nicknames: Cory Matthews, Bobo, Louis.

Bands: Eighteen Visions, Hopesfall, Shai Halud, Lucas, Alexis On Fire, A Thousand Falling Skies, Calyx In Ruin, Glassjaw, The Used, Converge, Coal Chamber, Killswitch Engage, Beatles, Nothingstar, From Autumn To Ashes, Grateful Dead, Dog Fashion Disco, Mushroomhead, Among Shattered Dreams, Bob Marley, and of course Sacrosic

Meal of Choice: Sourdough burger and 2 value size fries from Burger King and a can of Dr. Pepper, Or a nice big PBJ with more jelly then peanut butter with a glass of milk, and always some ice-cram or Star Crunch for dessert. For breakfast, I always do it up with Cinnamon Toast Crunch homies!

Movies: Nightmare Before Christmas, Death To Smoochy, The Truman Show, Lord Of The Rings, Monsters Inc., Alice In Wonderland, One Hour Photo, I am Sam, Lilo and Stitch, Whats eating Gilbert Grape, Signs, Fight Club, The Country Bears (family movies rock hardcore!), Empire Records, and Suburbia.

Likes: NINA!, Music, Scooby Doo And Shaggy Too, climbing trees, sleeping, food, wearing crazy hats, playin shows, living at Brians house, exploring and going on adventures with Brian, promoting with Matty, smoking crack... HaHaHa NO!, meeting new people, sex with Mike Porretti, and Goosebumps books.

Dislikes: Slipknot (Mushroomhead rip offs), nu metal, & pop punk.

Equipment: 100 watt Audio Choice PA system,, and a V-tech 1050 Microphone.


Aim: rijitcore

Quote: "Dont let the man get you down Warren". - Lucas from
Empire Records.

Rijit Loves You