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Trevor Penick

Trevor Penick

Trevor Quotes

Full Name: Trevor Lee-Scott Penick
Born: 16th November 1979, Rancho Cucamonga, California
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 6ft
Weight: 13 stone
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Hobbies: Basketball & Tennis
Family: Doris (mother), Clifton (father), Traci, Rani, and Vanessa (sisters)
Pets: A dog called Lucy

Favourite Saying: Happiness is everything
Favourite song on their first album: Take me Under
Favorite Food: Cereal and cinnamon crunch toast
Favourite Pizza Topping: pepperoni
Favorite Color: Orange & Baby Blue
Favourite TV Show: Saved by the Bell
Favourite Book: Catcher in the Rye by JD Sallinger
Favourite Movie: Billy Madison
Favorite Clothing: Chill or Dressy Clothes
Favouritte Band: Boyz II Men
Favorite Actress: Jennifer Love Hewitt
Favorite Actor: Denzel Washington
Favourite Sports Team: Los Angeles Lakers
Favourite Place to go on Holiday: Will Smiths house
Favourite Things To Listen To: Craig David, Garth Brooks and *NSYNC and B2K
Dislikes: Lima Beans

Fact: He's a huge fan of country Music
Another Fact: To studios he always takes pics of his family and friends and Milano Cookies
Another Fact: Trevor has a stuffed Red Dog named Legen, Erik has one named Dary. So you put them together and it's called Legendary
Fact From the Past: He used to get teased for his love of pop music and liking BSB

Previous Jobs: Golf Course
Ideal Woman: Good Sense of Humor, Spontaneity is CLUTCH!
In the band he is known as the: Sensitive one
His hope for the future: To act
Big Fan of: Will Smith
Big Mac or Mac and Cheese? Mac and cheese
Boxers or Briefs? Neither
Desribe Yourself in 3 Words: Outgoing, Energetic, Emotional
