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Page With No Meaning

I sit on the couch, knees tucked to my chin, CD player in one hand, television remote in the other. On the T.V. is the weather channel, on my ears are the headphones connected to the CD player, playing loudly. I mouth the words to "Crawling" while watching the muted weather report, hoping that somehting will break this spell of continuous sunshine. Monday, sun. Great. Tuesday, mostly sun. Wonderful. Wednesday, 10% chance of rain. No good. Thursday, 45% chance of rain. Okay. Friday, 65% chance of rain. Perfect. But it'll all change. Those damn reporters can't tell the weather to save their pathetic lives. Every day they say something different.

Whew, I got a little carried away on that. Anyways, I look over just in time to see my mom turn the water on to boil, but I turn away before I should have. My music is still turned up loud and my mom is trying to get ahold of me. Not good. She calls "Sash...." and I don't answer. "Aleksandra...?" she says a bit louder. Still no answer. Then all of a sudden the right speaker on my headphones is being pulled off, "Hey Deaf Child," is said in my ear and the speaker is released, snapping back to my ear. I jump a little as I pause my music, pulling the headphones down so that they hang around my neck. I lean my head back over the arm of the couch, looking into my mom's face upside down. "I want you to watch the water and pour the noodles into the pot when it starts boiling--" "I know how to do it," I unterrupt. "--and I want you to wash dishes for me." she finishes, the walks out onto the front porch without taking a word of protest from me. I roll my eyes and make a pathetic groaning sound, although neither will get me anything except more dishes. I roll slowly off the couch, getting up onto my knees first, then standing up. I turn my headphones back on and head over to make soapy water. Great. No soap. I trudge downstairs and try to look for the soap. No luck. "Anna!" I call from the utility room. She comes running, poking her head inside the door. "What...?" she asks with a slightly irritated sound in her voice. "Come here and tell me if you see any soap," I say in reply. She comes into the room and immediately spots a bottle, shoving it in my face. "Yeah... Next time, look harder," she said, walking off. 'I do look effin hard!' I felt like screaming at her, but I keep it to myeself. No one wants to hear what I have to say. No one.

I drag my feet along the floor, climb the stairs slowly, then proceed to make soapy water, when my dad walks in. I automatically pull my headphones down, knowing he has something to say to me. "Hey Sash, can you feed the dog for me please?" I was right. "Uhhmm, sure..?" I reply in question form. "Thanks," he said without noticing my question. Well, atleast he was nice to me about it, I thought to myself, turning around, washing dishes. When I finish not even five minutes later, I dump out the water, dry my hands, and pour in the macaroni noodles. I stand there and stir them every few minutes, now watching The Simpsons, my headphones already put away. My dad walks into the house with a plate of pork chops, setting them on the table. "Turn the T.V. off and tell your sisters to get up here," he said, taking his glasses off, setting them down too. I click the T.V. off, then go downstairs. "Amanda, Anna, time for dinner..." I say plainly, turning back up the stairs. "Now," I add, just to make it sound good.They turn the T.V. off down there, follow me up and plop down in their seat just like I did. I barely eat anything, like usual, picking at what I have left, finally able to finish my food off. I get up, put my dish into the sink so that my isster can wash them, and I head downstairs for the computer. I flick the power switch on, turn on the tower button, then sit down comfortably in the computer chair. Once I log on, start up AIM and open up Avant Browser, I begin my usual routine. I say hey to all of my 'friends', check my e-mail, then check my Neomail. I delete all of the junk, but keep and reply to the Neomail from one person I actually trust. Salem. I've known her for about 8 months now and she's one of three people in this whole world that I REALLY care about. Anyways, I reply to her mail, then sit and hope that she replies back. Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes..... twenty-five minutes... Finally. A reply. I read through it twice to make sure that I read everything right the first time, then I reply to it. I wirte about four different things, deleting them all. I can't send that crap, I think to myself. Finally I figure out how to put things, send the Neomail and wait for another reply. We Neomail back and forth while I also chat with the other person that I truly care about. Kristen. I've known Kristen since before I can remember. We've always been there for each other and rarely had fights, and the fights that we did have were just arguments over something stupid. Anywhoo, we RolePlay back and forth, my replies sometimes late because of the Neomailing I'm doing, but Krsiten never minds. Then I hear my dad call me. Well, I might as well shut down, I say to myself. "WHAT?!?" I yell up the stairs. "Don't ask what, just get up here," he says calmly. I climb upstairs slowly. "What?" I ask coldly when I get up there. "What looks wrong with this picture?" he asked, pointing down to the ground. I don't answer him, instead grabbing the dogs dish, taking it down with me. I fill it up all the way with dog food, then go back up to put the bowl away. "I want you off that computer at nine..." he said, already sitting down in the chair, watching T.V. "Okay...." I say, sighing.

He always does that to me. As soon as I start doing something and actually get into a conversation with someone, I have to go. I mean, I don't really get to talk to Salem alot and when ever she gets on, I have to go. It pisses me off, but there's not much I can do to change him. When I get back downstairs, I let everyone know that I gotta go in ten minutes, then resume my conversations. I accidently over-run my time and have to say my g'byes quickly. I turn everything off, then trudge upstairs and change into my pajamas, then sit on my bed reading while my radio plays my favorite radio station in a meduim level of volume. My mom comes in at about 10:30 and says "Go to bed... " then closes my door and walks away. I put my magazine into my dresser, change my radio station to soft music, turn down the volume and climb into bed. I can't sleep. Plain and simple, I can't. I try, but that makes it tougher. I toss and turn in my bed, thinking about what happened during the day. That doesn't help either. I mean, there was nothing good about my day. It totally... (yawn) sucked.

ARGH! I officially HATE my alarm clock. I don't see why it has to wake me up so early. Oh yeah, I have school. Damnit!


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