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Numbers found on the web page

Strings of numbers have been found on various pictures within the web page. The following numbers have been found so far:

16171819 appears on a desktop picture in the Desktop section. the 8 is circled and the 1 and 9 are circled together.

161718 also appears on the personal 1 screen. It is clearly visible

89(4)0 appears in the bottom left of the personal 2 screen. The third digit in this number is very unclear and could be anything. Screen shot below:

  Normal screen shot. If you can't see the number at all turn your brightness up. 

This is an enhanced screen shot. The numbers 8, 9 and 0 are clearly visible but what is the third digit supposed to be, if it is a digit at all?

What happens when you type these numbers in?

All above codes are wrong.

I also tried joining the codes together and they were wrong.

I also thought maybe the '8' on the end of '161718' represents the first digit of '8940' to make '161718940' but that didn't work.

I tired substituting the '4' in '8940' with a 1 in all cases and it didn't work.
