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Still Born Ver. 1.3 (Unreleased track originally to be on Still Born, Still Loved)

you think you've caused me pain
no emotions
no strengths
i survived the abortion when you were 18
i survived and became the man
the man you hate
you helped create
your nightmares all come true
all here because of you
no... i'll never go away
in torturous thoughts i will stay
you are my mother of which
i love, my lovely mother Bitch
your lies all betrayal
no love was ever shown to me
i fantasize your death
it gets me through the day
i fantasize your screams
torturing you in every way
i'm the son you did not want
a high cost of living failure
every day you let me know
i was never wanted

Confession (released on Decay Decay and Rot and Decay)

i only cut the pretty girls
i cut their soft wrists
i love them more like this
i love you more like this

Drowning in Machines (Unreleased)

realize fighting machines
realize an unending dream
realize i drown in these things

What you Need (Unreleased song)

is this what you wanted
is this what you need

Still Loved Still Born Final Abortion (to be released on The Human Decline)

mother says she wish i was abortion
why don't you love me

Rot (Released on Rot and Decay)

Now your dead
But you look much better with a hole in your head
wish I knew how to make it go away
never leaving here to stay
wish i could stop all this pain
driving neural nerves makeing me insane
electric stimulus to my skull
dont want to go on
dont want to live anymore
now im dead
but i look much better with a hole in my head

13 Hours (to be released on The Human Decline)

Industry inside of me
slowly devouring my mind
tears it apart
rips it to peices
soceity numbers you
cataloged a serial number
binary figures not human
move through systems
guided by old mans hands
the poor cant afford to die
but they cant pay to live
never ending
unstoppable torment
we will never get away
tearing out
I cry out why must it be like this
we cant go on we cant go on we cant go on
13 hours 13 hours 13 hours
we cant go on 13 hours

BileUpTurned (released on Rot and Decay)

I never wanted this
I never wanted this
I never wanted this
I never wanted-

You Wont Like What You See (Released on Decay Decay and Rot and Decay)

Tear away flesh (repeated throughout the song)