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One fine day in March, friends JB, Travis, and Christina were sitting around in art class and decided to start a band named pandas in love. Nobody remembers why.

Their plan was totally foiled when they discovered that there was already a band in Fort Worth called pandas in love, some ridiculous boyfriend/girlfriend vocals/clarinet outfit. Thus they decided to call their band PANDAS IN HEAT instead.

But their plan was ruined once again when they realized that they could not play instruments and didn't know how to write songs. Their band was further splintered upon discovering that Christina wanted PIH to sound like some sort of fusion between Arab on Radar and the Backstreet Boys, with Glass Candy's vocalist and lyrics plagiarized directly from Sweet Valley High books, Travis wanted to take a long nap, and JB wanted nothing more than to cover Modest Mouse songs all the livelong day.

JB and Travis went off to form the Chapel Side Project. Chapel Side Project consisted of JB and Travis playing the same three songs by Weezer, Modest Mouse, and Metallica during chapel services at All Saints School, while the teachers and clergy went on believing that they were playing hymns. Meanwhile, Christina became a Sunday School teacher.

Eventually, Chapel Side Project realized that they were lacking in SEX APPEAL, and begged Christina to join the band again.
But Christina could not bring the sex appeal, and thus Alex Blackmon joined Pandas in Heat.
He has yet to contribute.

Eventually, Bryan joined the band upon the agreement that he would receive two sugar cookies per week as payment for services rendered. Ben joined shortly afterward.

At this point, the future of pandas in heat is uncertain. But one thing is clear- We will, one day, write a song. And you might hear it.








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