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My Suburbia
||| Music – Some sweet listening ||| Cars – Hey we all have to roll some how ||| Computers – Enter all Geeks ||| BLOG |||
Reasons for visiting my Site- Escape into my world. When it comes down to it were all freaks. Because you really have nothing else todo right now.

Because I'm just beginning this website, it is pretty basic and rough but I'm working to make it better and if you have an suggestions or if you have any thing that you would like to say that pertains to anything on this website, feel free to e-mail me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Music - Is currently down right now due to a screw up crash thing. Cars - Here you can look at some cars that I think are really cool. Computers - I'm still working on this one so some parts are up and others are down and others just dont make sense at all.

Visit my blog and see just what I have to say about my life and the world.
