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Sayin "hey" to:MY FRIENDS

*Jonathan--My baby! *9/10/04* and always and forever. My lover, my best friend, my husband! I'll always be with you, no matter don't forget it. I love you so, sweetie. *MUAH PENGUIN!* LOL Shanny and PDizzle BELONG together. *Amanda--my big sis and personal CHAUFFEUR. I miss sharing a locker with you! OMG. For always being there for me, especially when I'm a big baby and need a shoulder to cry on at 12:00 at night (last THANK YOU SO MUCH! I know I always have someone I can go to when I need help, or count on to assist me in my "evil schemes". Speaking of which, when's our NEXT evil scheme taking place??? ;) Always remember the penguin slap (and all other unnamed penguin references!) Billy Madison "Veronica Vaughn...SOOOO HOT! Want to touch the hiney. AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" And what started it all: "First there was room, then there was ASSSSS!!!!!" *Bonnie--Le Punte! The daughter of the father of my child. Who happens to do a killer impression of John and my dad!!! *Stroking the chin* Does John have a beard? NO. Well he does now!!!! LOL and the trucker hat that kept flying off when you walked around! Halloween--Level 3 Sex Offender! Never forget: The born again peoples: "...Not even my BLING?", AP Economics "FUN" (yeah right) "BEEEEEEP!" Mr. Grobe thinks you're insane man. And all the countless times in Spanish class...Mrs. Romashko thinks we've lost our minds. *Jamie--I still can't believe you're gone again! I can't even remember all our countless jokes. But there have been a lot. OMG all those late nights at your house with Kimmy, in the laptop...downloading music and eating DOMINOS. OMG. Remember when you and Kim used to wrestle against the wall...she was damn strong...and all the times we hung out at the library. Hard to believe we were once that dumb. Anyhow, I really miss you and I can't wait till the summer. Maybe you can come to graduation! *Melissa: the itty bitty titty committee! ;) Supaskank! Omg the locker room never saw any chicks as sexy as us, right? LOL. I love trading "stories" with u man...its so fun. I've never fought with you...I don't know why we get along so well, but we do, so why wonder? LOL. My little Melly, I love you so! *Kaitlyn-Yo yo KDawg! I miss seeing you at work! Man, when are we goin to work together. LOL. Its very disturbing the way that you sniff the books, Miss Pumpkin pants. (and yes I still have the paper hearts that say Shanny My Love. LOL. "...just the spaghetti basket?" *Nicoley-Kyo on Halloween...thats all im gonna say. :P Man I miss you, Nicole darling! its been so long. So when are we going to hang out...and most importantly, when do you introduce me to the joys of EGGNOG? LOL...don't point that tongue at me missy! I wanna nother night of DDR magic like that last one we had over the summer. Wasn't that fantastic. LOL. *Kim-My girl! I miss you...and you're moving into Pratt soon! Good luck with everything you do...I'm really going to miss seeing you...(not that we ever really do.) I hope I can see you before you leave...if not, I'll most definitely call. Always remember: The thexy pants, the NEW lyrics to Pretty Fly For A White Guy, and POT HEADS!!! LOL. Plus all the fun times with Jamie. And try not to get stuck in anymore green dresses, if ya can. :) *Brian-Stealing goggles again smartass? In your dreams!!!! You're such a cool guy Brian...even though you sometimes run out of Altoids....Derr Mr. Whelan. techno Physics: An experience I'll take with me all my life. Heheheh...stealing my tools, and I criticized your rocket. I'm terribly sorry...but u ARE a smartass, after all. *Tina-Library alum...I miss you ALREADY matchmaker...when are you coming back for GOOD?!! Thanks for all your help...and thanks for helping get together the best thing that ever happened to me. Anyone I forgot? If I did, quit crying...did it ever occur to you that I JUST DON'T LIKE YOU..?