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July Minutes: Special called Meeting 7/14/03

Alice Brown, Secretary
MCHS Band Boosters
P.O. Box 606
Danielsville, GA 30633
706-783-5713 or 706-795-2128(314)


Meeting was called to order and minutes from the May 19th meeting were read. Correction made by Mr. Hallman that item #9 in the May minutes should read "lots" not "lost". Correction made. Greg Bleakley stated the minutes read officers were bonded and that was not the case. We thought officers were bonded at the last meeting, but it turned out they were not bonded. This is noted. Please note also that the June meeting was an informational meeting for Mr. Hallman to give out information about band camp and the schedule and an opportunity for parents to sign up to volunteer. No minutes were presented from the June meeting as it was purely informational, and Mr. Hallman was in charge of running the meeting. All crucial dates for practice and performance were made available to all parents who attended. Sign-up sheets were available for parents to volunteer. Chaperone sheets were available to complete.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Nancy Dillard reported the current bank balance in the general account is $14,703.64 The balance in the uniform account is $132.96 and the Jarrett Memorial Scholarship account is $3002.50.

Rebecca Bleakley reported on the PROJECTED BUDGET as of 7/14/03.
current balance + $300 for sale of uniforms = $15,003.64.
expenses include $600 for band camp drinks, pizza, etc. + $3100.00 for trailer racks + $1500.00 for concession start-up for total expenses of $5200.00.
Additional expenses of $3593.00 for color guard uniforms + $2467.50 for 70 ponchos and bags + 100 gloves @ $10 for a total of $1000.00 + 139 t-shirts @ $8.00 each for a total of $1112.50 = additional expenses of $8172.50.
After some discussion, it was decided we would only order 65 ponchos and bags; and 170 t-shirts. IN addition, there is expense for shoes $1680.00
After subtracting all of the above expenses from the original balance, there was $1631.14 balance remaining (after the shoes were added, we actually came out $48.50 in the negative). Camp fees paid thus far = $3593.00.
Instruments are $825.00.
5 day band camp expenses are: 168 drinks on hand; estimated need 750. the 582 needed would cost $325.92 delivered. Pizza will cost approx. $240.00. Also dessert, plates, paper towels, napkins, trash can bags and ice. Approximate cost per student for drinks and pizza = $3.77 - $4.07 (depending on number of students and if charge instructors). After discussion, it was noted that t-shirts cost $10 for the students/parents.

Mr. Hallman requested that the boosters provide gatoraid and water in place of soft drinks. The soft drinks on hand will be used for the pizza party. Motion made, seconded and carried with no opposition. Boosters will provide gatoraid and water in place of soft drinks.


Greg Bleakley reported that officers are not bonded. It does not seem likely that they will be able to be bonded because of the embezzelment. There is a chance that they can be underwritten by a high risk insurer, but it will be very expensive.

Greg also reported that the custom racks are coming along. the trailer is at the place now and they are installing the racks. The total amount due is $6100 and we have already paid $3000. The balance is due at completion.

Greg reported that the tuxedos have been sold. The $900 has been paid and the $300 has been paid. The issue is closed.

Rebecca Bleakley reported that the uniforms have been cleaned. Costas charged less that $400 for 80 pieces, pick up and deliver. The 40 new uniforms are here. All are ready and we will have fittings at band camp. The uniform parent contract will be signed at practice when school starts. No washable hair dye allowed.

Pie fundraiser. Rebecca reported we will sell in concession stand. We will need maybe two tables to sell at the football game with sample pies.

Consession stand menu discussed. Motion, seconded and carried with no opposition to increase prices in the concession stand. Candy bars are increasing to $1.00; bubble gum and tootsie pops are .10 and .30 respectively; chic-fil-a is $3.50; pizza is $1.75; french fries $1.25; french fries w/cheese $1.75; plain nachos $1.00; nachos w/cheese $1.50; popcorn .75; moonpies $1.00; soft drinks $1.50; coffee/lemonade/hot chocolate $1.25; pickles .75 Suggestion to try to get fast break candy bars and ring pops. fries will be cooked out back and leveled off for safer cooking.


The drill is ready, drumline is great! The bandroom is still not finished (which is why the meeting was held in the hall). There are great instructors for band camp.


Rebecca has drafted a letter to members regarding camp fees.

Trailer hauling schedule: need volunteers. Anyone pulling the trailer must have electric brakes, correct ball size, etc.

Band camp schedule and volunteers: Tues - Fri and Mon - Fri will need help to fit kids for uniforms, and for pizza party thurs 11 - 1. Alice and Rebecca will be in band room each day to take up money. drinks will be provided, no sandals, only tennis shoes, water bottles, good guard 24 - 26 total in guard.

picture day will be 8/6/03, wednesday 9:30 - 12:45.

Sat 8/16/03 will be concession stand cleanup. band officers will help.

NEXT MEETING; 8/25/03 Officers and Committee heads at 6:00, meeting at 7:00.

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