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Welcome to the "winter" ladl.We are basically an indoor drumline that performs second semester during the school year. As of right now, we compete in the Southern California Percussion Alliance, in short the "SCPA". Future performance dates will be posted up so you can come support us if you wish xD. Last year (2003) was the first year an indoor drumline was est. at Los Altos with the help of our instructor, Phil Ruiz. Might I add we had a pretty tough season, but every moment of it was worth all the tears and tribulations we went through to get it started. Ladl was almost non-existent due to a school budget cut, and half the people who were originally going to join, didn't, because they were already involved in other activities such as sports. We started practicing for our season 1-2 months after everyone else. Gayyy. Anyways this year everything is up and rollin, and ladl will be back to kick some ass. fosho' we'll have an awesome season! :D

N O T E: * More pictures will be up soon.

* The '04 winter drumline has not yet started so those pages will be empty until 2nd semester.

* If you have any pictures of winter drumline you would like to contribute please e-mail it to

Technical Difficulties: © Jenny Huang , Questions/Comments:Christina Hsu