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Sep27: Today I signed up with another band so expect some webpage changes. Welcome to my bands homepage. the band is based upon a theory of life through death and religion. Imperial Darkness (c)since 2000 Or so it was, since nothing was happening with the band I decided to create a new one, so I contacted Josh and told him my plan. I explained I wasnt going to play Lead Guitar anymore (as my playing wasnt topline) Anyways, I plan to start this band of right and for anyone who has heard my singing voice you know that I can now devout full effort into my voice lines creating a razor edge upon the competition. Josh will be adding to the effect with some strong guitar lines. To Join HIDDEN GODESS you must be in the Huntingtion (WV) location and/or be willing and able to show up to practice when its scheduled. For those of you who have websites, you can upload an audition tape on your site and I will view it, if you cant I will get with you on it, but either way you will play in person for Us. Audition Tapes must can be no longer than 10 minutes. must include [(1) professional song (i.e. like play somthing from disturbed or mettalica) (2)made up songs (this is to test your ability to make up music) (one professional and two made up songs also announce when switching songs)] To Join You also got to be between the age of 15-18 F.I.L. (further info later) (images found using google, if you are the owner of any image on this site and would like it removed or want your name on the site email me but you best have proof)


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