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--Older Updates--

Here's some older updates to check out and see what has gone on in the past.

Well, today's the day we've all been waiting for... well, at least the day that I've been waiting for. COME TO OUR SHOW!!! It's gonna be a great time! Bring everyone you know and then some more. We've been practicing a lot and it's payed off. We're sounding really tight right now. My hectic week is finally over, and I'm really excited about that. I've had tests everyday, some which I didn't even have time to study for, swimming everyday, and projects that were incredibly boring. But it's over, and that's all that matters! As you can see below, we are also playing at Javajazz on January 5, which is part of Christmas vacation. That means, if you go to Conroe, you won't get a flier from me because I WON'T BE THERE! So this is what you should do. Go to the link below that goes to Shanes Dover Drive Website. Then, sign up for the Dover Drive Mailing List. This way, I can email you to remind you of the show on the 5. Isn't that nice? Besides that, it's a lot faster, easier, and cheaper than making a billion fliers! Anyway, sign up for the mailing list, come to our show, and have a lovely day. Adios!

Ok, there's not much news right now. I just want to remind everyone that you can email the band at It would be great to have some feedback from you guys, even if it's just meaningless rambling, it's still cool to get email. That's all I got right now... Peace.

Well, we got another show booked for January 5. We will be opening up for Cruiserweight and Dynamite Boy, so that should be a really awesome show. I'm makin' it through this week... I don't know how, but I am. I finished my physics project, so that's out of the way... I have a swim meet on Thursday and then I'm caught up with everything. Sorry, had to let ya'll in on my personal life for a second. We have limited practice time before Friday, that's the only problem... but everything will turn out in the end... promise. That's all for now... Peace.

Man, I've been in a really good mood today... I guess it's because I'm really excited for the show this Friday. Like I said, this is going to be the best show yet, so be there! You do not want to miss this one. I've started handing out fliers around school, so if you haven't gotten one, find me and get one. I'm really busy this week with school and swimming and the band, and I have no free time whatsoever... but I don't care. All I'm doing is concentrating on Friday and beyond. At least I'm not going to be bored this week... Sometime next week we're going to try and fix the demo so we can have it ready for our next show. If it doesn't work out with this guy, I have another guy in mind who can record us. Also, I think we found someone who can make us some t-shirts. Barrett's setting up an appointment with the guy to talk to him about what he can do and prices and stuff. If it doesn't work out with him, my I can find some connections with another guy. So, either way, we will probably have demos and t-shirts ready by the next show. We are still waiting to hear back from Javajazz about the January show with Dynamite Boy. That's it for now. Adios.

Hey dudes... The new website is not going to be our real site for a while. We decided that we need more time to concentrate on band stuff before we get a real website. That's not one of our priorities right now, so we're gonna put that idea on hold for a couple of months. Also, I'm still trying to get a hold of a scanner so I can get all these pictures up here. Don't worry, they're coming! Other than that, i have no real news, so... Just keep checking this site like you normally would. Thanx! Peace...

Well, today's been pretty good so far. It's been getting colder outside, and everyone's starting to dress warm. It's 40 something degrees right now, which is pretty cold for Houston, even at this time of year. Anyway, we are getting really excited for the next show. I will be making fliers today and I'll start passing them out next week. My house is really starting to look like Christmas. Last night I was listening to the Bing Crosby Christmas album and I figured out a couple songs on my guitar. We might play one or two of them at the show on the 7. Gotta spread the holiday spirit! Well, we decided to try and get a hold of the guy who recorded us to see if we can re-mix the demo. I think it could sound way better if we just mess with a few things. We might have another show coming up in January with Dynamite Boy, which would be really cool. I'll put that under show dates as soon as we get it confirmed. Well, I better get back to work... my teacher is nuts. Adios.

Hey dudes, yeah, I'm sittin' in class right now, not paying attention... it's all good. Well, we have the setlist complete and we're practicing like crazy. It's gonna be a great show. I hope to see everyone there. Tell all your friends! The new website is almost ready to be put up. Pretty soon this site will be no more... or will it? I might decide to keep this one up and just let the new one become the "official" site and keep this just more personal thing. Anyway, email me and tell me what you think. Tell me if you think I should keep this site up or completely take it down. ( We got a hold of a guy who might be able to make us some t-shirts. We are going to talk with him about prices and what he can do. Well, that's all for now... Peace.

Hey guys... As you can see, I cleaned up the site once more. If you want to catch up on old updates, check out the (what a coincidence) "Older Updates" page. Well, I gotz good news and bad news. Yesterday, the guy who recorded us dropped the demos off. We were way excited. However, they didn't turn out all that great, so we're gonna see what we can do about remaking them. We're either gonna remix them or maybe even find someone to record us all over again. All I can say is that we're gonna make this demo sound really good. So don't be disappointed, they'll be coming soon, I promise! On a lighter note, we've practiced a bit the last couple of days, and this next set is gonna be way awesome. It's gonna be like the first and second show put together, but all in the same amount of time. It's gonna be a really explosive set. Very rad... Anyway, I ate tons of turkey, and I have never felt better! That's the way it should be. I hope you guys had a great time this Thanksgiving as well. Now we look forward to Christmas, the best holiday of the year, no matter what anyone else tells you. And only (sigh) 4 lousy weeks of school until we're out... I swear, all you fans are what keep me going thru the harsh school life. That and the glory of being up on stage... both unbelievably awesome. Sorry, I'm rambling... well, we're in the process of making a stinkin' awesome website. A good friend of mine, Shane Holmes, is putting his incredible knowledge (although, he is humble and denies his brainpower) of web design to good use and making a more professional site. Soon after it's finished, we hope to get a domain name. Well... that is the extent of my knowledge to what is going on... so I will talk to you dudes later. Peace.

P.S. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Mark this day on your calendar. I recently put up Erik's first post on "Words From Erik." It's quite entertaining. Read on...

Alright, we got some more pictures coming soon from when we recorded. They're pretty good. Barrett also just got a new Marshall cab, so we're all pretty excited about that. Well, December 7 is quickly approaching. We're working on two new songs... well if you haven't come to see us yet, I guess they're all new songs! We are still waiting for the demo to be mixed. Hopefully we'll have it ready in time for the 7. Oh yeah, Barrett recently got a haircut, and he didn't like the way it turned out so he shaved it off. Yes, that's right, the shag is completely gone. His hair is now 1/4" long. Ha ha, you got to see it. Anyway, that's it for now... Happy Thanksgiving all... Adios!

Hey kids... things are good. We're about to get back to practicing everyday again. We need to get ready for the show on the 7. We will be playing most of the same stuff, but we have a few new ones to throw in too. We have tons of songs but we never get enough time to play them! Our crowd has been growing steadily, which is awesome. We need to keep everyone coming to the shows. The more people we get there, the better chance we have of being the showcase band. That means we have the other bands open up for us and we get a much longer set. That's our goal, so we can rock you guys even more! Here's some news... One of our friends is going to help out with the website thing. He's really good with html and stuff and he knows how to make a lot of cool effects. We are also going to try and get a domain soon. will be coming sometime in the future... Anyway, keep your schedule open, and tell all your friends to come and check us out on the 7. Also, tell them to check out this site. It's nice to see that people acutally like this site... Thanx!

Hey dudes... yesterday was great. We recorded, finally, and everything went well. The final production should be out in about 2 weeks, before our show on the 7. So make sure to get a copy! I've been kind of sick this weekend, my throat and nose were feeling pretty cruddy. I was amazed at how I was able to sing yesterday, but i did it, and it wasn't bad either. Then last nite, I went to Houston to see the Impossibles. It was an awesome show. I didn't really like the opening bands all that much, but it was worth it. Very cool... Anyway, That's it for now, I'll check you guys later...

Hello everyone... We are FOR SURE recording tomorrow, Saturday the 17. Yes, it's finally happening. We are really excited... again! We have everything planned out, including what songs we're gonna put on it and cd design. We might have to sell it for 3 or 4 bucks so we can re-earn the money we're spending to make these things. Anyway, we're not gonna let our fans down... You won't be wasting your money on this one. Well, tomorrow we record, and then that night i go to Houston to see The Impossibles. It's gonna be great! Adios!

Hey guys... well, the recording thing didn't work out, so we are scheduled to do it on Monday of next week. I know, it's taking a while, but the results really will be worth it. We are going to be working on a couple of new songs once we record. We have some good ones in mind... I'll talk to you guys later. Adios...

Hello everyone-- Well, it turns out that it didn't work to record today, but tomorrow is sounding very likely. As you can see, we don't have many shows coming up... this is good in some aspects. We will have plenty of time to practice and learn some new songs. We've played close to the same set for the last 3 shows, and we want to have some fresh stuff for the fans! That's pretty much all i have for now... Adios!

P.S. Thanx again to everyone who came to see us! Tell all your friends about us, and tell them to check out this site too!

Dude, what can I say... This weekend totally rawked!!! I just want to say thanx to everyone who came and saw us either on Friday or Saturday, and to those who came to see us twice... you guys are awesome!!! I couldn't have asked for a better show on Friday. The place had a very cool atmosphere. It was very club like, and it was so small! But it was awesome! We had people outside listening because they all couldn't fit inside. It's always fun playing with General Admission. Like I said, I didn't think it could get any better than Friday, but they did! Last night was stinking awesome!!! There were five bands there, including us, but more than half the crowd came to see us!!! And they were insane! There was moshing, jumping, and dancing everywhere! I think I speak for all of us when I say that it was one of the greatest nights of my life! Anyway, we are now preparing to record tomorrow. So at the next show you can get it for $3. Not bad, eh? The only reason we're charging at all is so that we can get better equipment and rock even harder! We are also planning on making some t-shirts, buttons, and patches to sell to the fans... so keep a look out for some cool looking merchandise. I put more pictures up so check them out! We also have another show at Javajazz on December 7, so put that one on the calendar! That's it for now... See ya.

Hey kids! Man, we are all really excited about this weekend! It's gonna be awesome. So far we have passed out like 200-300 fliers. I hope everyone can make it! General Admission is also passing out fliers for the 9th. I was supposed to have a swim meet on Friday, but I'm skipping it so we can play this show. I hope the team does well. Anyway, our practices have been going off! It's funny because if you saw us practice, you'd see us going crazy just by ourselves! I always try to stay relaxed and focused, but we just can't play without going crazy. Ha ha, it's pretty funny. We're very fortunate that we haven't been reported yet. Whenever my little bro gets off the bus, he says he can hear us all the way down the street. We've only been caught once or twice... but it's all good. Anyway, that's it for now... See you guys at the show!

11/6/01 Hey guys, man, updating the site during school is pretty convenient! I haven't been caught yet... By the way, we now have a band email address: So email us whenever you want... it's cool to get feedback from the fans. As you can see, I cleaned up the site a little bit. I took some of the older updates off this page. Things were getting a little cluttered. If you haven't read all the updates, you can always go to the "Older Updates" page. Anyway, we've begun practicing hard again for this weekend. We're going to be playing a couple new songs and mainly ones we played at the last show... this new set is guaranteed to get the crowd jumping. Fliers are going out as we speak, so look around for one. Later...

Hey dudes-- It turns out that we will be recording next week instead of this week. This is kind of a good thing, since we can focus more on the shows next weekend. Anyway, I finally got some pictures up! Go to the picture section and check them out. They're not too bad. There's plenty more coming soon. These are the same pics that are on Neal's website. Well, that's all I've got to report on, so I'll talk to you guys later... Adios!

Hey dudes! Once more I am sitting in school, bored out of my mind, and secretly updating the site. Again, if you missed the show on the 27, you really missed out. Like I said earlier, we opened up for Cruiserweight, which i highly suggest you check out. Anyway, our other guitarist, Barrett, and our bassist, Erik, got to know them pretty well that night... So well, in fact, that they put them on the guestlist for their cd release party in Austin! Erik is busy and can't go, but Barrett is going today right after school to stay at his grandparents and then go to the party. They said that a couple of other bands that they are good friends with will also be there-- The Impossibles and Recover (which are some of our favorite bands, and i highly suggest you check them out!) So, chances are that Barrett will meet them. Way cool... Good News-- I am very pleased to announce that we will be recording a demo on monday and tuesday of NEXT WEEK! We've been waiting a long time for a chance like this to come along! We haven't decided on what songs we are going to record yet, but we know that we are going to record at least 6 songs, maybe 7. So that should be awesome... More good news-- Today I am finally getting that amp that I have been waiting to buy. This is very exciting for me... Also, yesterday I went and checked out the place we are playing on the 9th. It's called The Parc. It's located in downtown Conroe right down the street from the courthouse... I'll have to check the street address. Anyway, the place is really small inside, but i think we may be playing outside in the courtyard. The courtyard can hold about 200 people, i think. Well, that's what's been going on lately... We will have a hard week of practice starting monday... We got shows to play! I'm gone...

P.S. I almost forgot! Check out Neal's Dover Drive website! He got a hold of some pics from the show on the 27! They're not great, but they're somthing! They'll be up on this site really soon, along with some other pics I just developed.
Neal's site--

Hey, what's up everyone? Just wanted to update a little bit. Right now I'm in my computer class at school and the teacher will flip if she finds out I'm on the net. Anyway, we will be playing on the 9th with another band called General Admission. They're good friends of ours. It's going to be in Downtown Conroe and it's gonna be 4$ at the door. I'm not sure on all the details, like where exactly it is taking place, but there will be fliers going around school. I know that the Conroe/Woodlands game is the same night, and that's cool. Remember, if you can't make it the 9th (friday), we're also playing the next night (saturday) at Javajazz. The one on the 10th is the one you don't want to miss. If you can be at both shows, that's awesome. So come out and support your local rock band!!! See ya...

Well, the show last night went off!!! We opened up first, which was good because we got to set up first and have a nice long sound check. We only had like 30 minutes to play, so we rocked it hard and fast. The crowd loved it, and that was good. At first i wasn't sure what everyone would think. Overall, we (the band) were pleased with the way things went over. We took pictures and we got Neal (good friend) to video tape for us. It turned out really good! After that, Cruiserweight rocked the house so bad. They were AWESOME!!! Check them out... they have some mp3s on the net. Anyway, thanks to everyone who came out to support us!!! Ya'll know who you are... thanx. If you missed it, you missed a great show... Make sure you make the next show on the 10th. That's it for now... adios!

Good News!!! Since our show for the 23 was canceled, the dude from Javajazz called and he wants us to play this Saturday! I am passing out fliers all around school. The Conroe Homecoming Dance is the same night, but it doesn't start until 8 or 8:30, so come out and support us before the dance! Hope to see you there!

Hey guys, sorry to announce.... our show on the 23 has been canceled... we had some miscommunication. Anyway, on a lighter note, we are booked for another show on the 9th. It will be in downtown Conroe, and we will be playing with some other local bands... that's all i know for right now, i'll be getting more info soon. Anyway, the practice show on the 20 went well. We still need some practice, but everything is going well. We took a lot of pictures, and they're gonna be up real soon. So that's it for now, Adios...

Hey, time for a little update. The shows are still scheduled and we're still practicing. Tonight we are playing a practice show before our real dates so we can just have a practice runthruough of the set. It should be pretty good. Only a couple of friends will be there. Hey, if you go to Conroe High, check out the school newspaper. We got on the front page and we have a whole article! Hopefully this will help the publicity. Our dates are in the article too, so check it out. Here's some awesome news. I talked to one of my friends and he thinks he found someone who would record us for free! This would be really awesome... We've been waiting for a chance to make a demo, just to see what we would sound like on a recording. On a more personal note, I went with Barrett yesterday to get him some new strings, and I was talking to the dude that owns the place. He had heard about our shows in Spring. He has a couple of students who come in for lessons and they were telling him about it. So we started talking about stuff like recording and equipment and stuff like that. I had spotted this Marshall cab, and was asking him about it. Then, the assistant dude comes up to me and starts telling me about his friend who is looking to sell his Mesa cab and head for a really good price!!! I just about flipped out. So I gave him my number and stuff... very sweet. Hopefully i'll be getting an important phonecall soon. Anyway, things are good, and that's it for now. Later...

Hey... just updating the site... Well, things are going well so far. We've had to make a couple of changes to our setlist, but everythings cool. Our practices are getting easier and we're sounding more unified and together. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to keep together perfectly. Everyone knows their part, but they also have to learn to react to what everyone else does. Anyway, the point is we're getting better with every practice. We're really excited about our upcoming shows, and i'll be handing out flyers real soon! We are also trying hard to get some pics up on the site. We are going to see if we can get someone to take pics of our practices and just stupid pictures of random stuff. Bear with us... Also, (this will be much later, i'm sure) we're going to try to get a real domain for our website, you know, something like or something like that. Well, that's it for now... Adios.

Hey, this is my first post!!! Dover Drive is a highschool rock band... well, i guess we're more of a punk rock band. Anyway, we formed in late August of this year. We're from Conroe, TX... just north of Houston. We're slowly getting more recognized, especially with kids at school (Conroe High). We have been practicing like crazy lately, and I've been trying to hook us up with some shows around town. So far we've got 2 confirmed dates at Javajazz Coffeehouse (Spring) in November. There's show dates below, so keep your schedule open and come out to support us at our shows!!! Also, keep checking this site for more updates. Later...

P.S. You can email me at
