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Marching Lions' Handbook


The purpose of this handbook is to provide valueable information about the band. To consistantly achieve and maintain the high standard of excellence desired by this organization, members should familiarize themselves with the regulations, procedures, and traditions of the band.

It is hoped that some of the questions always prevalent with an organization like ours will be answered in this handbook. If a problem or a question not covered in this handbook should arise, the director should be consulted for an explaination.

Attendance Policies

Rehearsals will be held on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:00 to 5:00pm. After football season, a new rehearsal schedule will be announced. The rehearsal schedule will be posted on the announcement board in the bandroom.

Students who have an unexcused absence from the last rehearsal before a performance or miss more than one rehearsal in the same week may not be allowed to perform.

An absence from an after school rehearsal or performance is NOT excused unless a student was absent from school on that day. Afternoon appointments with doctors, dentists, orthodontists, etc., should be scheduled on days that we do not have band. An exception may be granted if the student is attending a function for another club/organization on the same day. Students with conflicts with other school activities must check with Mr. Naquin BEFORE the day of the rehearsal. Mr. Naquin will make arrangements with the sponser of the other clubs/organizations so that students' other talents can be cultivated as well.

Students who wish to participate in band and in varsity athletics at Covington High School will be required to attend one rehearsal a week for the entire rehearsal. This exception will apply only to a single sport per school year. Students will not be excused from rehearsal the day before a performance, special rehearsals, or rehearsals for state or national festivals.


Class Rules:
1.) Respect yourself, band members, adults and your director.
2.) Always have your instrument and music.
3.) No eating or drinking during rehearsals.
4.) No food, drinks, gum, etc. on the carpeted area of the band hall.

Students are expected to give 100% at all times. Students who demonsrate poor behavior will be given demerits (grade deductions) and possibly a detention. If the behavior continues, the parents of the student will be contacted in order to set up a course action to correct the problem. In cases where this does not produce the desired results, the student will be referred to the principal or assistant principal and will jeopardize his/her participation in band.

Grading Policies

All members are required to take band credit. Only students with special permission from the band director will be allowed in band with out the class. Grades will be based on the following:

1.) 20% Class Participation
2.) 24% Rehearsals
3.) 36% Performances
4.) 20% Quarterly Exam

A. Demerits

1.) Unexcused absence from full band rehearsal...5
2.) Unexcused absence from special rehearsal...8
3.) Unexcused absence from performance...10
4.) Tardy for rehearsal or sectional...1
5.) Tardy for special rehearsal...2
6.) Tardy for perfomance...3
7.) Talking out of turn...1-2
8.) Playing out of turn or playing poorly...1-2
9.) Playing another person's instrument...1
10.) Poor participation (not playing)...1
11.) Disturbing rehearsal or disobeying director...1-5
12.) Music, instrument or books etc., out place...1
13.) Chewing gum, eating, or drinking during rehearsals or performances with out permission...1
14.) Chewing gum, eating, or drinking in band room on the carpeted area...1
15.) Leaning on music stands, littering or knocking down stands or chairs...1
16.) Inspection (instrument, uniform, equipment and appearance) Each deficiency...1
17.) Failure to bring instrument, music, equipment or drill charts to rehearsal...2
18.) Intentionally damaging school property, instruments, uniforms or other equipment:
19.) Smoking, drinking, or using drugs while attending band function or while in band uniform:
Possible failing grade and disciplinary action
20.) Stealing, fighting, or moral misconduct:
Possible failing grade and disciplinary action

B. Administration of Demerits

1.) Demerits are given by the director for any violation of the rules and regulations of the band.
2.) Demerits may be worked off by:

a. extra practice done at school under the supervision of the director or student assistant. (1 point per hour participated)
b. extra take home work assigned by the director.
(point value to be determined by work)
3.) For every demerit not worked off through practice, your grade will be lowered accordingly.
4.) No more than 2 demerits may be worked in one day.
5.) Demerits must be worked off within the grading period or semester they occur.

C. Offenses Which Cannot be Worked Off

1.) Unexcused absences from special rehearsal or performances.
2.) Any violation or rules 18, 19 and 20.


Students must maintain a 1.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a 2.0 average in band for each nine-week grading period to remain eligible for participation in performances.

Demerits will also effect participation in performances as follows:

1.) Any student recieving 26 or more demerits in a semester will not be allowed to fully participate in performances until the demerits are worked off.
2.) Band members with out a band class receiving 21 or more demerits in a semester will be dismissed from band.

A schedule of performances and testing material will be given out at the beginning of each quarter.


Practice Uniform

White T-Shirt
Navy Shorts
White Socks & All White Tennis Shoes

Pep Rally/Casual Uniform

Band Shirt
Wind Pants
White Socks & All White Tennis Shoes

Dress Uniform

CHS Band Coat & Pants
White Socks & Reebok Renaissance Tennis Shoes

Uniform Inspection

Prior to every performance the band director will conduct a formal inspection. Band members are expected to wear their unoform properly at all times. Students who do not confrom to this rule WILL NOT be allowed to fully participate in the performance.

Students will be expected to observe the following points to present a neat personal appearance.
1.) All uniform parts are to be clean and worn properly.

2.) Instrument should be clean and shined.

3.) Never wear an incomplete uniform in public.

4.) Band uniforms are to be properly put away in the uniform closets after every performance.

Instrument Information

The band department will provide instruments when available for those students who do not own an instrument. Each band member is responsible for the proper care, condition, and repairs of this instrument. Any damages or serious malfunctions should be reported to the director at once. Parents are responsible for the cost of the repairs. If the instrument is lost or stolen while away from the band hall, the student must reimburse the band for the cost of the instrument.

Percussion students will be provided with one replacement head per year and are expected to purchase any additional heads that break. They are also responsible for any damages to the equipment as described in the above paragraph.

A privately owned instrument is the responsibilty of the student who owns it. Students should check with their parents to see that the instrument is included on their homeowner's insurance policy. Before purchasing an instrument, students should consult the band director.

Summer Band Classes

All band members in grades 5 through 12 are welcome to participate in summer band when possible. There is no cost for participation.

Band Camp

Band camp is held the first or second week of August and is required of all high school band members. There is no cost for participation.


Band Trip - The band will take major trip every year, provided that enough students participate. Students and parents will be given information on cost and dates well in advance of the trip. All members of the band, flag team, dance team and their parents are invited to attend. The following points will affect participation on the band trip:

1.) Unexcused absence from any performance
2.) Constitently poor conduct in band
3.) Any major violation while in band
4.) Absences from parades will result in the cost of the trip being higher for that student.

Letterman Jackets - Students will be awarded a jacket upon successful completion of 4 semesters in band.

CHS Blanket - Students will be awarded a blanket upon successful completion of 8 semesters in band.

Attendance Awards - An award will be presented to students who do not miss any rehearsals or performances. Students who are absent due to their involvement in another school activity or honor band will not be penalized with the permission of the band director.