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The Street Team Manifesto

"Where are the answers? What can I achieve? If I have the strength to believe."-Camera

That quote says quite a bit about this street team. For too long there has been a gaping question mark written all over the music business. Music is starting to all sound the same and creativity is a commodity that few are willing to actually delve into. There is an answer though, and for us it is Camera. . There are 250 million people in the U.S. How can a single group reach all of them? Especially without major record label backing with the people who have all the contacts? Well, to get those contracts, fancy tours, and radio play;there has to be a demand. That is Economics 101. If a consumer wants something, they will get it if there are enough people who want the same thing. It is our job as a street team to help create that demand. We are about introducing good music to people that often times would never have access to it unless it was on the radio or playing at a club in their hometown.

There are some things that you need to know that will make your (and our) lives easier.

About the team:

Music is something that unites people from radically different ethnic, religious, and social backgrounds and gets them together in enjoyment of a single pursuit. This team is for music lovers and people who love Camera. People that promote the best have a high level of street cred. How are you going to have cred when promoting if you don't like what you are selling? We also need to keep our focus on our priority which is spreading the love about Camera. Many people on other teams I have worked on have forgotten what is about and are only in it for free stuff and hook ups to show/the band. That isn't what this is about. We don't want teamers like that either. This is about the music, not YOU. Free stuff and hook ups are an added bonus, not the motive for doing what we do. If free stuff is all you are after, then this becomes a JOB. This is supposed to be fun and we will take 2 dedicated hardcore teamers over 20 people (even highly talented ones) that will just sit on their duff waiting stuff to come their way. Camera is a proactive band, we are a proactive team. Simple enough right?

What we do:

1) Street promotion.

This involves making and distributing flyers, CD samplers, and posters. We distribute prior to and after shows as those are optimum times. Key places for distribution are skate parks, skate shops, tattoo parlors, body piercing joints, record stores, and of course...CONCERTS!. The other act of street promotion is the more subtle type of street promotion. This involves spreading the love to your friends and people who respect your opinion via word of mouth and or swag like stickers and samplers. If you can buy a Camera shirt, go for it as people DO pay attention to what you wear.

2) Online Promotion (E-teaming).

The world is hardwired and the world is at our fingertips. For the tech savvy out there, this stuff will be right up your alley. There are so many possible targets for infiltration. IRC Chat channels, Chat rooms (like AOL, Yahoo, and MSN), Instant Messenger promotion, hitting up message boards where you are respected and established (and even those where you aren't) and emailing your friends are all part of what we do here. Also, if you know someone who has a popular website (or even a non popular one) ask them to add the Camera website to their "links" section. If you know people who are on other teams, recruit! If you know people in the business or people that have big websites with a lot of traffic,send them a demo or write them an email asking (politely) how we could get Camera on their site. We need to get people to come to the Official Camera site, the message boards, and the street team.

3) We will have a blast!

This is supposed to be fun right? HELLS YEAH! Your will see rewards for your hard work . You will see it when the crowds get bigger and stuff starts connecting. Once we get the ball rolling, it gets bigger and bigger and ultimately better. All major movements whether political, social, or intellectual start in the underground and go from there.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for dedicated, hardworking, enthusiastic lovers of Camera and music in general. The person who goes above, beyond, and then some. There are two types of people in life. There are the leaders and the followers. The leaders are who join the street teams as they know their own tastes and can justify them articulately. When recruiting, THAT is who we try to target when recruiting as those people are the trendsetters, the movers, and the shakers. The followers tend to hop on any new trend or bandwagon that comes along regardless of quality. We believe the music speaks for itself and will do most of its own selling right off the bat. So do we want to encourage followers to get into Camera? Of course. If they think it is "cool" or get into it, the buzz they generate will be bound to get to the ears of someone who can actually move opinions in directions and they will only take it further. We are looking for teamers who realize that just because we have set missions that we do that that doesn't limit their opportunities just waiting to be seized. For example:we might have a mission that involves calling up local radio stations and making requests, but lets say you are going to a party that weekend. Why not bring the Camera CD and pop it in? If you have a lucky opportunity to meet the right people who can help us out, GO FOR IT! Carpe Diem.

We look forward to seeing you on the team,

Evan, Tajah, and Steve

Put your email address into the field above