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[Feb 23 2004] Posted By Jon IV
Well just wanted to say if the site does anything funky don't worry, we're redoing it. Completely.
[Feb 22 2004] Posted By Jon IV
Hello cult followers. Its 5 pm and Im at Erics. We had a practice today for the first time with the whole band. Worked on TINALS some more. Thats pretty much it, and Eric's mom told us we suck so yea, rock on.

[Feb 15 2004] Posted By Jon IV
Hey kids, Jon here. Its about 8 20 pm and we had a short yet productive practice today with Dave the drummer. Hes a cool dude. I think this is what we needed, because we got so much done in the 3 hours he was here. We got drums done for TINALS. Thats basically the top of our list right now, then I guess we'll move on to our mellow tune, Dendrophobia. This EP is gonna be great whenever its done, just be patient.

[Feb 13 2004] Posted By Eric
Hey there BFP fans......or ppl that are our friends/family that feel obliged to visit to make us feel better about ourselves when we see the hit counter...n e ways. First off, if you didnt notice, i reorganized the pics page into separate pages for each date. I also added a page for downloads which right now only has the AIM icons and the BFP ARM EATER, the official bfp game. In other news... its Friday the 13th and I'm feeling lucky. I posted a thread on the Fostex message board and got some crucial advice on recording songs. I re-recorded the TINALS clip and replaced the old one w/ it if you want to check that out. This helps a lot cuz i didnt know what the hell i was doing before. The E.P. might be coming sooner than i think, yet later than everyone else anticipated. [Feb 2 2004] Posted By Eric
Hey there loyal fans of BFP. I have some supercalifragilisticexpialadocious news for you all. THERE'S A NEW SONG ON THE SITE. That's right, I hastely recorded a rough 1 minute clip of a song that we're making called This Is Not A Love Song. Its kinda ska-ish and its a nice departure from Go Go Rofio I believe. I hope you like it.

[Jan 29 2004] Posted By Jon IV
In order to keep spirits alive, I'm gonna put up lyrics for one of the new songs we're working on for the EP. Hopefully we'll have a practice Sunday. Just go to the lyrics page and its self explanitory from there.

[Jan 25 2004] Posted By Eric
Well, it finally happened. Beer joined the club called "Former BFP Members". If you know any thing about BFP you pretty much know what was going on. I know it's just a high school garage band and shit and we should just hang ourselves in a barn for trying, but me and Jon IV were fed up and we didn't have a reason to have him. Everyone advised me to get rid of him a long time ago but I really didn't want to. It's not like I didn't warn him either. Anyways, he's acting like a total asshole about it and calling me and Jon IV backstabbers when I clearly remember an instance where DAVE WANTED TO KICK JON IV OUT OF THE BAND BECAUSE JON IV WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH AT GUITAR. Whatever he says right now about us being backstabbers or whatever just makes kicking him out even more right so I really don't give a fuck what his point of view. In other news I really don't know when the EP is gonna be done. Its actually progressing nicely if you can believe it. In light of Beer's getting kicked out, we really didn't lose any material or have to change any thing since Beer did absolutly nothing at all during his tenture as a BFP guitarist. The EP looks pretty diverse right now it has some Ska, some Punk, some Rofio, and we even made a gothic kinda song that I recorded a rhythem track for just for something to do and it turned out to be longer than Stairway To Heaven. We still have a lot to do but I think we're pretty far along, moreso than most people probably think we are.

[Jan 11 2004]Posted by Jon IV
January isn't looking too good for us so far. We had a nce little practice the 3rd and 2nd to make some songs, and that worked well, but we're doctoring up and writing more for the EP. It looks like its going to be something awesome. Tons of styles of music, all of our ideas and inputs, its gonna be good. All four of us went to support Suckerpunch, The F.E.D.s and the others at the Battle tonight and they came in 3rd overall. The FEDs did awesome for their first show and under all the pressure they were, so good job to them and most importantly Sam. Now, I know Silver Lining had to make the finalists, so heres my idea. The judges thought Suckerpunch could advance to the finalists round and take on Silver Lining with Silver Lining winning, but then our lovely crowd loved the Piece. So they advanced those three to the finalist round. Suckerpunch played awesomely, Silver Lining was next, and then the Piece's encore show was awesome too. It was time to announce the winners, and we knew it would probably be Suckerpunch in 3rd, The Piece in 2nd, Silver Lining in 1st. Jason of Lohr came out and announced Suckerpunch as third, we were proud. But, then he went to announce the winner. We all got crazy chanting The Piece and he was like "The Winner of the 2nd annual battle of the bands is sil-" (as beer puts it) and looked over at Disantis as we all cheered for the Piece. He the announced The Piece won the whole damn thing. So yea, go Piece, go Suckerpunch. Goodnight.

[Jan 4 2004]Posted by Jon IV
Go Go Rofio is DONE! Thank god. We have 3 more songs in progress, life is good. EP should be out within a month or two. Nothings gonna be on the site, because theres only gonna be a handful of songs, and whats the sense of buying it if its all on here.

[Jan 1 2004]Posted by Jon IV
Happy New Year. The pictures are givin me trouble from Sunday's practice. We re-recorded Go Go Rofio for the final EP version, but the machine's being gay so we don't know whats going on there. And it won't be on the site so you actually have something to look forward in the EP.

[Dec 31 2003]Posted by Jon IV
Sunday's practice was long, grueling, but productive. Probably one of our best yet. Tuesday on the other hand was the exact opposite. Didn't get much done, but hey, theres always Friday.

[Site Updates]
2/22/04 - first practice with us all.
2/15/04 - first practice with Dave, drums for TINALS
2/13/04 -Knowledge of digital recorder increases
week of 2/8/04 - site updated
2/7/04 -Practice - Erics
2/2/04 -Clip of new song put on site
1/23/04 -Nick=guitarist#2
12/27/03-bunch of stuff updated
12/07/03-Icons up
11/28/03-Updated Merch Page, SPT link

Jon IV
AIM - skankaholikk

AIM - slash19987

AIM - trotskyismyniece
MSNIM - doesn't matter I don't use it anyways

AIM - OsirdavidO