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This Is The Official Fifth Column Website.

Fifth Column is an Upstate New York Based Metal band formed in April 2003 in Brian's basement.

Among our Hyde Park chart toppers are our songs "Scott is a Mexican", "God Damn Jamaicans Just Moved in Nextdoor", "Go Home, Go Back Where You came From, We Don't Want You Anymore", "Inappropriate Distances", "I Swear I'm Not A Pedaphile" and "Gavin Is Gay".

Fifth Column is:

Brian Robinson -- Bass, Voacals

Danny Albrecht -- Guitar

Scott Albrecht -- Drums

Check Out Our Album Cover Cries Of Terror


Pictures (I Promise We're Not Naked Much)

Download Our Songs (Mp3)

Visit Our Friend Richard Peins
Dick peins is a good friend of ours and he needs your support to stay up.

Thankyou for visiting Fifth Column.

Rock On For Life!









. . . . Gavin Is Gay