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My Name is Andrew Cook. I am 16 years old. I live in Willmar, Minnesota. I am in a local Christian band called "Prodigy 7" . I play the Bass guitar and do back-up vocals. We are pretty good, I think! I love Music!! Its one of the most important things in my life! I only listen to Christian Music, although I do think that a lot of non-Christian bands are very talented. I love writing music, playing, singing,and a lot more! Poetry is another thing I like, a lot!! Someday I wish to become a poet or a writer. I also play piano. I have been playing for about....5 years. I like playing Basketball, and I especially like hacking it up with friends. I like hanging with all my friends as well and just having a good time! Well, Thanx a lot for coming to my page!!!! Please sign my guest book and tell me what you think. Thanx Again!!!

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