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Lady Leviathan's Home

Please make yourself at home
While I share a piece of myself with you...
I am but a soul,
Like all the rest of you,
With things in my past,
And a future that is yet to unfold...
So gather in close...
As I whisper to you,
A story-
A dream-
And other pieces of truth.

Strung from the stars,
Watching from the distance...
The tide again cleanses the beach
And the Sands are left clean...
But, they still remember,
A time, not so long ago
When the ocean rested it's mighty self,
Upon it's surface...
But now, the life,
The life that never really leaves,
Is again prominent, and easily seen.

The changing times-
The summer breeze-
All of this,
Is just the beginning to me...
But only questions fill the uncertainty.
Where does everything go,
When it leaves my shores...
What words do the winds bring to you,
From me?

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I am always interested in receiving email from other Project Pitchfork fans.
If you know of any news or rumors, or would just like to write in general,
please feel free to use the link below.

-Lady Leviathan

Email Lady Leviathan