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teehahnahmah migration map

our migration routes were varied and not always completed these routes were used for thousands of years migration dwindled about 1800. teehahnahmah people were one of the object people andrew jackson raged war against to clear out the western fronteer for white setlers to have new land areas. tennessee southern kentucky and northern alabama is where the teehahnahmah people were at the time of jacksons 14 year war dealing with what he called the indian problem. the teehahnahmah people being a small nation was not able to hang on very long so some went to florida some to kentucky some went back to the great lakes area. and the rest tried to blend in the countryside of middle tennessee. the tribe has managed to keep councel all these years and still hold councel at resting eagle located close to the highland rim in northern tennessee. the teehahnahmah language is still spoken there and cerimonies is held regularly. resting eagle has sacerd burial grounds and cerimony grounds with several lodges that are kept up year round quite a place in modern times. please feel free to e-mail us at the e-mail address link..................... THANK YOU FOR COMING TO OUR WEB SITE ENJOY AND COME OFTEN..... CHIEF TWO WHITEFEATHERS

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