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The Paris Crew got together on August 26, 2000
for a groovy little acoustic jam right here on rue Blomet.
The occasion was the visit to Paris by our friend,
singer-songwriter Billy Goodman and his wife Sabine.
We kicked off the evening by collecting everyone
at our apartment for a long happy hour
and a preliminary "soundcheck" jam.
Then we all crossed the street
to Le Mistral, a favorite bar and restaurant where
we enjoyed tasty North African couscous and lots of wine.
After dinner the Acoustic Couscous Jam got underway.
The repertoire ranged from Grateful Dead tunes
and Billy's originals to country blues
and soulful rhythm & blues classics from the '60s.
When they finally closed the restaurant we came back
to our place for a long aftershow.
Thanks to all the musicians who contributed
to the evening's funky vibe!

On the afternoon of the party:
Marti gets out in the kitchen to rattle them pots & pans.
Or whatever.

Michel and one of the many Stephanes who were in the house.

After some initial gabbing, Nella and Janice got that deep soul thing goin'.

Stephane (that's two if you're counting) and Maria at the preshow.

This was the first-ever jam night at Le Mistral. What's more, they want us to come back!

Eric and Sabine share a laugh or two.

Stephane Number Three prays for the couscous to come soon.

Billy gets the jam underway . . .

Eric, Stephane, Christophe & Denis are longtime groovin' buddies. Billy adds percussion.

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