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2006 bcn p1

Marti & I visited Barcelona in February of 2006. It was a
combined business/pleasure trip that afforded us the
opportunity to hang again with the BCN Boyz (& Grrrrls),
including our "second" family, the Martoses.

Our pal Philos collected us at the airport on Saturday afternoon, helped
check us into our hotel, the Medium Confort & accompanied us
to the bario Gracia, where we enjoyed a delicious lunch
among all the family groups at Restaurant Sant Yago.

After lunch we strolled around Gracia, then returned to the hotel. Marti napped while
Philos & I listened to low-volume 'pod music & watched the Olympics with the TV sound off.

We rendezvoused with Sarai, Sergio, Carmen & Antonio at a bar called El Bosc de les Fades
(the Fairies' Forest), near the wax museum in the Bario Gotico. Carmen gave Marti
a beautiful necklace & they congratulated each other on their impeccable choice
of matching fashions for the evening.

Next Philos drove us up to Can Cortada, a fabulous 11th Century
castle that has been converted into a gourmet restaurant
specializing in Catalan cuisine.

The only thing that surpassed the food that night was being in the
gracious company of so many of our BCN Krew: Francisco, smiling
alongside Antonio & Carmen, plus Toni, his lovely girlfriend
Xenia & scintillating Sarai, who visited us in Paris
last fall with Sergio.

Cesar, editor-in-chief of Popular 1, a rock magazine to which I occasionally contribute
& his charmingly hilarious bride Rachel -- an American standup comedienne -- joined us.
Other dear friends at our end of the table: Sarai & Sergio; Pili & Pere.

How to be happy all the time:
Go see Rachel when you're in Barcelona!

Can you tell we were having a good time?

Habas a la Catalana. Escalivada. Deliciosas!

The party's over but the memories are sweet. (And digitized.)

Marti & I spent a quiet, relaxing Sunday. We went to lunch near the hotel at Mussol,
which was featuring calçots, a seasonal specialty that Philos had told us about
the day before at Sant Yago. He had also explained how to properly eat these
unique onions -- you strip off the outer grilled layer & dip them by hand
in the sauce -- a technique we finally recalled after we saw
other diners handling them correctly.

We strolled over to the Passeig de Gracia after lunch, took in a wonderful exhibition
of Rembrandt drawings at La Pedrera, then walked up to see Puig i Cadafalch's
1905 masterpiece "Casa de les Punxes." Marti had a busy day scheduled
for Monday, so we picked up sandwiches from a carry-out
to have for dinner that evening in front of the TV.

Next up: a fabulous concert at the Palau de la Musica Catalana!

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