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[as of 4/8/5]

Okay, these aren't whole songs, they're just excerpts, they aren't MP3s, they're windows media files, they don't have bass, and the mix is real rough. But I'm hoping it's enough of a tease to keep the wolves at bay while I get around to finishing things eventually.

You're welcome!

Although the Grand Finale show was the official end of StoneBlue as a live band, things certainly aren't just going to abruptly end. This site will remain as a source for any future developments, new recordings and side projects. It will also continue to serve as an archive of everything about the band.

As for my review of The Grand Finale February 12th @ The Stagger Inn, we couldn't have hoped for a better night. A head count of roughly 140 people showed up to see the band off, including long lost members of old bands and even Sam's little sister, who got to hear for the first time the song she inspired.

Zen started things off with a layed back set, featuring newer material that reflects their current groove and a few songs with Sarah Green, a singer-songwriter they're currently serving as a backing band.

With Timmy from Vagrant doing the introductions, the standing-room-only bar came blazing to life as StoneBlue took the stage, starting their double-length set with strong standards like Peaches Easy and Shut Up And Drive that had the crowd chanting "Faster Faster", accented by big-screen video that Rowland had put together for just this show.

Most of the surprises came in the middle of the show, with original lead singer Steve Olds taking the stage for three songs, including the rarely heard Fist On Fist and a blistering rendition of Hyde. Turley retook the stage and after giving the fans a full dose of the rest of their catalog, they closed with long-time mainstay They Have Souls, Too featuring both singers trading off lines.

After taking a group bow to thundering applause, chants of "One more song!" prompted Sam to play Bon Jovi's "Dead Or Alive" as the whole bar sang along. With everyone performing at the top of their game, no major technical problems, and a highly-responsive mass of fans, it was definately the best damned StoneBlue show ever. If you missed it, you truly missed something that won't soon be forgotten by those that witnessed it.

With about a fifty-fifty split of people in attendance for S.m.F as much as for StoneBlue, Mike was certainly under pressure to nail two different sets back-to-back, and everyone agrees he pulled things off incredibly well, with his new band giving one of their best shows to date, working the crowd into a frenzy.

Show closer's Above Richter were a power-trio that clearly showed a commercial edge with lots of long-term potential, proving that Turley is a great song-writer, as well as the accomplished singer and guitarist we already knew him to be.

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