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Stephen & Chloe's Web site


Stephen and Chloe Devon 2001 Silly Pictures Gallery Wedding Photos Honeymoon Who's Who Our Trips to Scotland In the Movies Our House


Welcome to our site!

Have you ever wondered what life is like in the small town of Stapleford, Nottinghamshire, England?


Well check out our site to see what you're missing! You'll get to visit loads of interesting places and meet our family and friends.

If you're already a friend of ours you might very well find yourself somewhere within these pages...

There's loads of pics to browse through- check them carefully because there might be more to some of them than immediately meets the eye...

chloeste- the big picture    This is us!  

To contact Stephen or Chloe email:

This page was last updated on 01.08.02

Hit Counter visitors since 2/9/01
