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Penny For Your Thoughts?

September, 2002

"Look Ma! One arm!!"

"Hey Phil, give me a hand and do the chords?"

Phil: "The one armed bandit stole my guitar!"

Phil: "Getting a wee bit too cocky there, aren't we Rick?"

Phil: "Ever wonder what's under Rick's kilt? It's for me to know and you to find out!"

"I'm sexy, all the women want me, I AM the Thunder God and I can play the guitar better than Phil...YAAAHH!"

Phil: "Anyone here think Rick's mum dresses him funny raise your hand!"

Phil: "Nice legs Rick!"

Phil: "And you thought Rick could only play the drums single handedly. Now look at him - and he's better than me!"

Phil: "See.... I told you all Rick could play guitar one handed. He's cooler than any magician in the world."
Rick: (*thinking*) "Huh... he was supposed to say 'Rick's even better than me!' Bloody Phil!"

"Yes I'll get a hair cut Mum...and the gossip - Oh Lord!"

Mum: "Richard dear, you need a hair cut. And this facial hair - no no no, I don't care for this one bit. And you're looking a bit thin. Are you eating enough? And are you wearing clean underwear dear? You know how I worry about that. And another thing...."

"Have I told you lately that I love you Mum?"

"Mum - this dance is for YOU!"

"Mommy, Mommy! Look at me! I can grow a beard now! Are you proud of me?!"

Mum: "Now, Rick... be a good boy and don't go picking on all the other kids. I don't want a bad report from the teachers. Is that clear?"
Rick: "Yes mum. I promise I'll be good."

"Mum..oh c'mon Mum...Please don't pinch my cheeks! I know I'm cute, but I AM in my 30's."

"Mommy look at me - I'm a rock star now!"

Mum: "Richard, come home with me now dear. I'll make you a nice cup of tea and give you a hair cut."

"Um...Wanna dance Mum?"