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Penny For Your Thoughts?

September, 2003

A drummer's teething ring.

Rick's mother speaking: "Rick dear, you KNOW that's not the best way to get your iron!"

"Nothing like a little piece of brass!"

"No need for braces Mum - I can fix this overbite myself."

"Joe said if I finish my cymbal, I'll get ice cream for dessert!"

"Me doctor DID say I needed more iron in me diet!"

"We're practicing straight through lunch? But, I'm hungry NOW!!!"

"Mmmmm. Good cymble. Lots of iron."

"HUH?? This isn't the pizza I ordered?? Oh well, no matter."

"These photo stunts are getting a little radical now, don't you guys think?"

Joe: "WHOA! I'm gonna fall!"
Phil: "God this is so high!"
Sav: "Is there a net down there.....just in case?!"
Viv: "Steady.....STEADY!"
Rick: "Hey, this is EASY you guys! And I'm only holding on with one hand!!"

Photographer: "Now guys...I don't want you to worry about the lightening. The weather channel says it's just a passing storm. No need to stop the photo shoot just for that, right? Good - let's carry on then."
Joe: "What?! Let me down NOW!"

Rick: "Ok--don't we feel dumb!"

Rick: "This is going to be such an awesome picture! Can't wait to see it!"
Viv: "...and I told me girls never to climb dodgy things, and now look at me!"
Sav: "I hope I don't fall off this beam like I fell off the stage in Australia!"
Joe: "Look out Spiderman! Here comes the big "E"!"
Phil: " can I incorporate this into me exhibitionistic repetoir?"

"By day they are rock stars, by night they save the world on steel beams. Hold in tight, it's Superband!!"

Joe: "Look at me, Mum, one hand, I could SO be Rick Allen."

Joe: "Ok Mal, which one of us makes the best Tarzan?"