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Rick's Q&A, 2000

Q: After 20 years, did you ever find out why the drums were placed up front in the "Hello America" video?

Rick: I think it was their idea of being hip and trendy at the time! It wasn't exactly a video of course, it was just a performance that we did. See, Top Of The Tops..... They went through this phase, putting the drum kit in the front, for every single band that would perform there.

Q: Are you still being influenced by any other drummers?

Rick: I'm still influenced by the drummers I listen to when I first started. But nowadays I tend to listen to more ethic-style drumming. Mickey Hart, and some of the guys that he works with, I like listening to that, hand-percussion. I love Manu Katche, I love some of the stuff he's done with Sting, especially on his latest album, "Brand New Day".

Q: How much is your drum kit worth, including all accesoiries and extras?

Rick: To be honest, I wouldn't know! You better ask my drum tech Jerry Johnson! [note: even Jerry couldn't give a straight answer]

Q: When was the last time you've seen Pete Willis?

Rick: I'd say..... Four or five years ago or something?

Q: Is [Metallica drummer] Lars Ulrich doing the right thing by abandoning his fans who trade his music on Napster?

Rick: Well..... The whole issue of bootlegging..... I guess it's simple, really. It would be like me going into the Van Gogh Museum, with a camera, taking pictures of his best works, and then walking outside, going to the nearest 1-hour place, having a bunch of prints made, and selling them as if they were mine. It's the same with music -- offering it, when I had actually nothing to do with the production of it, I had nothing to do with the recording of it..... The only thing I have anything to do with, is the fact that I like the music. But, if I really like the music, I should be prepared to pay for it. I understand it when fans swap MP3 files just because certain songs are not available in certain countries, like "I Am Your Child". But I'd say, someone who wants an obscure song, is probably a really big fan anyway. I wouldn't imagine that most song are terribly hard to get. I don't know, I could be wrong. I just think the whole Napster thing is a little strange, cause it's basically stealing. I mean, it would be like us making a record, spending a million of bucks, and then give it away!

Q: Why don't you write more songs with or for the band?

Rick: I just never got involved with the whole songwriting team. Hopefully there's room for it on future albums, but I never really took an interest. I took more interest in spending time around my family, so I never really got into the songwriting thing.

Q: Can you recite a line of poetry?

Rick: A line of poetry? [thinking very hard] That's a good one..... No, but I can recite a few prayers...!

Q: What's your greatest fear?

Rick: [long pause] To be afraid of... anything.

Q: Why are you laughing and grinning all the time when you play live?

Rick: [laughing again] When I met my girlfriend Lauren, I went through somewhat of an awakening, in many different ways..... And I tend to take myself not so seriously anymore. Just tend to be a happier person!

Q: If you would have lost your right arm instead of your left, would it have been harder to decide to keep on drumming?

Rick: It would've been more difficult to study. But actually, when I was younger, I put my right hand through a glass door, so there was a period when all I could do, was play with my left hand. I practiced a little bit just using my left hand -- I don't think it would have been as difficult, had I not any experience at all with my left hand.

Q: What's the silliest thing you've done on this tour?

Rick: Last summer, at the very beginning of the "Euphoria" tour, I went on stage wearing a skirt! Pretty stupid..... But it was so damn warm, and I left my shorts back at the hotel. So I'd say that's pretty alternative. I actually quite enjoyed it as well!

Q: What's the best present you got from a fan on this tour?

Rick: I got some bone carvings from a guy, who also happens to be called Allen. And then a bunch of people have given me stuff for my daughter Lauren, toys and stuff. Really nice.

Q: What's the best song ever?

Rick: "All Right Now" by Free.

Q: Which band member is most in need of a new hairdo?

Rick: Me until a few weeks ago! But ah, I managed to get it cut. Oh, actually everybody looks pretty tidy these days. They keep themselves looking pretty good. Personal preference, I think.

NOTE: The above transcript was used with the permission of