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Penny For Your Thoughts?

October, 2003

Rick: "Hey Sav? Do grass stains come out of these shorts?

Sav: "Um....Rick? Is there a snake crawling up your shorts too? Or is it just me he likes?"

"Ok--who's looking up my knicker's?"

"No No - we're fine. Just taking a break guys. Be right with you!"

Malvin yellng: "Uh-oh! We have a slip and fall injury....the Rick's are down!!!"

Rick: "Hey Sav? Do you know if grass stains come out? These are my favorite shorts."

Joe watching: "I think Rick missed his calling as a tightrope walker. Just look at that balance!"

Bald guy ducking: "Oh Geez! This guys gonna fall RIGHT on me! Look out!"

"Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa!" (as hand comes down on bald guy's head.)

Rick: "If I fall, will this guy be able to catch me?"

"HEY everybody! Look what I can do! One arm, and one LEG!!!

Joe: "There goes Rick....always the show off."

Phil looking on: "Now what are the four of us supposed to do while Rick's entertaining the crowd?"

"Just at look at this balance! Now for my next trick, I'm going to stand on one hand upside-down."
Bald Guy: "Okay - I'm OUTTA here!!"