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Penny For Your Thoughts?

November, 2002

Robert to Rick: (talking out of the side of his mouth) "Hide that beer behind your back
before Mum see's it!"

Robert: "Is that a beer you've got there little brother?"
Rick: "Absolutely not!!! I always drink my milk from a bottle."

Robert: "Brother or not, take your hand off me necklace!"

"So, do you think this will make the cover of GQ?"

Rick thinking to himself: "Now, when nobody's looking, I'll quickly try and strangle Robert. He's such a pest!"

Robert: "Put the beer down Rick. Mum will think I'm not baby-sitting you correctly! (SNORT!)"

"Ok, look, if Mum sees this, I was just HOLDING the beer, right?"

"Hey everybody! I found Mutt!!...No wait..It's just me brother Robbie."

"Hey Robert, It is so nice to have a big brother to lean on, specially with hangovers like the one I have today."

"Hey bro! Check out that cute redhead over there! Go tell her I want to get to know her!"

Robert: "Rick, you gotta put on a macho pose like this in order to look like a rock star!"


"AARRGGHH!! Someone call my chiropractor - QUICK!"

"These big finishes are killin' my BACK!"

"Darn these bloody make-up chairs! My back always locks up!"

"Now, just a second Joe while I change the lightbulb above me here!"

"Aaah, that feels good... Ah...ah??? Ah....!" **CRASH**

Joe: "Thank you everybody, we're glad to be back, especially for the return of the Thundergod!"
Rick: "Damn it's good to be back!"

"Oh God Joe!!! Don't you ever shut up??!! AAAARRGGHHH!!!"

"Hey guys! Watch me hock a loogie on the ceiling!"

"Uh.... ahhh... HELP! I've put me back out! I can't move."

"Hey techie? I just noticed a few of those light bulbs are out. Better get up there and change 'em so people can see me all the way back here!"

Rick's thinking: "Thank God there's a back rest on this chair".