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Melissa's Story

The above photo was taken by Melissa's sister, who will never again be put in charge of this after cutting of half of poor Rick's head. It's a great picture of Melissa though, isn't it?!

"I have been a Def Leppard fan since 1983 and when I first saw them it was Rick who caught my eye. He is so beautiful! I guess it has been Rick that has keep me interested in Def Leppard for all these years. He is just so awesome. Now after meeting him I am sure of it!

I caught his eye the first time during the show. I was up front watching him and he looked right at me and smiled. I gave him a thumbs up. Then after the show I was standing by the backstage door talking to Malvin and Rick walked out. I called to him and he said to just give him a minute. So I then decide to go out by the buses and wait to see if I could get close that way. After about 15 min. out he came so I walked right up to him but quickly got pushed back. I was so very sad. There just went my chance. Then a security guard saw that I was upset and asked me what was the problem. I told him how I wanted to talk to him so he grabbed Rick for me. (Thanks to the great security guard).

I asked Rick to sign my CD and he said sure, but I would have to hold out my hand or something for him to write on, so I laid it across my chest so he could sign it. Then my sister asked him if she could take a picture of him with me and he was very happy to do so. He put his arm around me and held me so close it was a dream come true. We are both smiling so big in the picture. It was a great night. I am still on cloud 9 from the whole experience and will be for a very long time. I also got to talk with Phil when he first came out. Nobody was there it was just me and him and that was cool. It does not hold a candle to the whole Rick experience. Also, when the buses where leaving Rick was in the back with the window open and I yelled as loud as I could "Bye Rick!" and he waved goodbye to me. Def Leppard rocked Dallas, Texas."
