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Penny For Your Thoughts?

May, 2004

"Ahhhh....standing in a field of marijauna. I think I've died and gone to heaven!"

"Was I suppossed to take a right at the Y in the road? Hmmmmm..."


"Um....guys? Guys?! I think I'm lost in this field. Is anybody there?"

"Gotta Go! Gotta Go! Gotta Go Right NOW!"

"I feel like a bloody librarian wearing these glasses with the string... no, I feel like a farmer standing in this bloody field. Who organised this God damn photo shoot?"

"I have a headache, hayfever, been bitten by a bug, stung by a bee......aaaaaaaahhhhhhchoooooooo...... and you want me to smile?!?!"

"What do you mean have I ever seen the movie 'Children of the Corn?'"

"So this is what a corn field looks like."

"Forget 'Thunder God'.....just call me HE-MAN!!"

"I am Thunder God - hear me roar!"

"Huh? Oh no - I'm okay. The guys just like to play bondage with me. All is well!"


"Right now... how do I look? Impressive huh?"

Rick thinking: "Who was the dimwit who said I had to hold my breath for 90 seconds so I could get first choice of the t-shirts?"

"This is the weirdest blood pressure cuff I ever saw!"

"Schwartzenegger eat your heart out...I'm the Rickinator!"