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Penny For Your Thoughts?

March, 2002

Joe: "I still say my pants are louder than your shirt!!"

Joe: "For crying out loud Rick!! You're blinding me with those shorts mate!"

Joe: "Okay Thunder God - you're starting to upstage me. Tone it down a bit, eh?"

Ok long do I have to hold it? I do have a show to do ya know...."

Joe to Rick: "Can you play those drums a little quieter. I'm trying to sing up here."

Joe: "Com' on Rick - you know this one! To the beat of 'The Rythym Of The Night'!"
Rick: "Joe! We are NOT the Miami Sound Machine! Are you certainly are no Gloria Estephan!"

Joe: "Whoa Rick, Can ya turn that shirt down? It's blinding me!"

Joe: "I come In peace!"

Rick: "Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away?"

Rick: "Make the bad man go away."

Rick: "Back away from my territory're tresspassing on my drum riser."

Joe: "Okay, back up... just a little bit... gently... back, back... hang on..... okay, back just a teeny tiny bit more..."

Joe: "Okay, just cool it mate alright... I'm the singer, not you!"
Rick mumbling to himself: *sigh* "But I'm better than you Joe..."

Joe: "Okay, the lads underneath the stage need 5 more minutes mate."

Joe: "Can I borrow that shirt?"

Joe: "Are five drumsticks really necesarry?"

Rick: "Those pants would go good with this shirt!"

"Are my nipples crooked??????"

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful....


"Did someone turn on the AC? It's a bit chilly in here."

Thinking: "Mum isn't gonna like this topless shot at all. Blimey I can hear her now." (Sigh)

Rick thinking to himself in the doctors office: "Please Doc - Don't make me take my pants off! I hate shots in my arse!"

*Yawn* "This photo shoot is so boring....ZZZZZZZZ."

"I'm not asleep, I'm checking my eyelids for leaks."

"Just think happy thoughts."

"How much longer do I have to stand here?"

Doctor: "Now turn your head and cough, Mr. Allen."

Photo above - Richard Allen fully focused on his daily meditation.

Rick: "Lets see.... the image is becoming clearer now... yes... I can see it... okay, tonight's lottery numbers are..."

Phil in the distance: "Rick??! Rick where are you?? You're not in your closet meditating again, are you?! RIIIICCCKKK!!!!"

"MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm" (meditation noise)

"Guess what I'm doing with my hand?"