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Local Drummer Meets His Hero

By Gary Boole, February 15, 2000

For Fredericton drummer Jody Vincent, music has always been a major part of his life since he was a child. However, because of complications from a heart defect at the age of three, Jody tragically lost his left arm. Not one to accept this upset lightly, at the age of six he began playing the drums, much to the surprise of friends and family. He was spurred on by the inspiration of his father who was also a musician and songwriter. The Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation in Fredericton designed him a prosthetic arm shortly after his interest in the instrument peaked and away he went.

Over the years the now 26 year old has played with several local bands and had built up a reputation of being very skilled and versatile on the drums. However, throughout the years one person has been a major inspiration for him, rock superstar drummer Rick Allen of the British rock band Def Leppard. Rick lost his arm in a tragic car accident in 1984 at the peak of the bands career. After months or rehabilitation the group had a specially designed drum kit made for him so he could return to the band. With this kit he could use his feet to replace his arm and the band went on to sell millions of records and become one of the most successful rock bands in the history of popular music.

Back in Fredericton Jody was busy himself playing the local club circuit and making a name for himself while taking notice of his hero Rick Allen. He knew the odds of ever meeting this icon seemed as remote as meeting a penguin on a beach in Florida. When it was announced last month Def Leppard would be playing Fredericton on their latest tour, Jody was one of the first in line to get a ticket. However the young drummer didn't know he would be getting much more than that, a once in a life time chance to meet his hero. As soon as the band arrived in town the day of the show and after some frantic last minute phone calls from a friend to their record label Universal, a meeting was set up and Jody finally got to meet his life long mentor. "I'm extremely nervous" he anxiously stuttered prior to meeting Rick at the Aitken Centre.

While Rick was doing some last minute sound checks on his specially designed drum kit and finishing up the afternoons run-through Jody was taken up on stage. At first Allen appeared surprised that there was another one-armed drummer besides himself. "It's really great to meet you, you have been a major inspiration for me" Jody nervously said. "Thanks, I'm very glad to hear that, when did you loose your arm" Allen asked him. He asked Jody several other questions about his playing style and technique while appearing inquisitive to learn more about him. The two hit it off like old friends and chatted for several minutes.

Afterwards Jody, who appeared to be very excited by the whole event, said "He is a real nice guy, everything I imagined he would be like"