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Penny For Your Thoughts

January, 2004

"Can you tell I'm a bachelor? All I have in my fridge are cereal and a liter of milk!"

"MMMMM Munchies! Good thing I found these on sale five for two quid."

"Darn it! I've been caught with the goods!"

"Hey, a growing boys gotta eat!"

"Whoa! Thanks Mum! I love these Frostie things. Mum sent me a whole car load from back home. Gee I love her."

"These make me feel GGRREEAATT!! Oh sh--, another addiction."

"Mum says if I eat all my Frosted Flakes will put hair on my chest."

"If I hide them in here, the rest of the guys will never find them!"

Rick: "What...? They're not all for me. No no! There's five boxes here. One for each of us. To do the whole week. We all love Frosties in this band. Don't think I'm pregnant or something, cause I'm NOT!"

"Five bowls of THIS in one box of "Total"?!"

Rick: "Steve has his cigarette, but uh, where's mine?"

Rick: "La la la LA la la la!!"
Steve: "Good job Rick. Just keep doing those vocal exercises. I'm going to finish my cigarette."

Rick: "No fair. Everyone else gets one, why can't I have one? Come on Steve, Please?!"

Rick: "La-La-La-La......cough, cough......STEVE!!!!!"

Rick: "Come on Steve!! Make your best fish face! It's fun!!!"
Steve: "Uh, no Rick. No thank you."

Rick: "Aaaaaaiiiiiieeeeeee! Steve! Look.... a vision...I saw it...just there...look...see her.....? WOW!!!"
Steve: "Rick, matey... that's the photographer bloke. Too much sugar for you last night eh? You'll have to go easy on the Frosties mate. Jesus..."

Steve: "What are you bloody staring at, mate?! Never seen a grown man smoke before?!"

Rick: "One Whiskey, One Bourbon, One that how it goes?!"

Above photos are courtesy of Steve Clark Guitar.