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Donn's Story

"Okay so I went to the Def Leppard show in San Antonio last night (8/30/07). My wife had won an awesome package from the Raven Drum Foundation, which is a foundation set up by Rick personally to help people with adversaries rise up and succeed beyond their disabilities. When we got there, like 3-1/2 hours early, we got the very first parking spot and got to listen to the band warm up and practice! When it came time to go in we got our package from the will call booth. They totally hooked us up! We got tickets in the orchestra pit right next to the catwalk!

As soon as Foreigner took the stage an official Def Lep rep came and took us backstage. Rick Allen came out and apologized for being late and that he had forgotten that he was to meet with us. I actually told him, "No you didn't." He replied, "Yes I did, I'm sorry." We both had a good laugh over it. Let me tell you, Rick Allen is one of the most humble, down to earth people I have ever met in my 34 years of life. This man was just so polite and friendly and never once acted like his poop does not stink. I can say this honestly because I am absolutely not a star-struck kind of person in the least. He stood there and chatted with us for a bit then offered to pose with us for photographs. We did that then stood there watching Phil Collin practice his kickboxing in front of us. And honestly, he is wickedly awesome.

After a few minutes he led us backstage (the actual stage) and to his personal chill area behind his drum set. We just stood there kickin it chit chatting while watching Foreigner play right in front of us. He and I talked about drumming and stuff, me being a drummer also. I had to take the opportunity to commend him for playing on an acoustic set again after all these years. Let me tell you, playing acoustic drums with one arm is practically impossible, I have tried for years. But that is the whole basis of his Raven Drum Foundation, that nothing is impossible.

We hung out back there simply having a genuinely good time for maybe 20 minutes or so before he led us back out and offered to sign some things for us. I had brought one of my drumheads and sticks with me and he signed both. On the drumhead he wrote, "To Donn, Keep rockin, Rick Allen." And he drew a stick figure of himself on it! He signed a picture my wife printed out of the whole band she made in the form of the Simpsons. He loved that. Then he signed both of our Raven Drum shirts. After that we found ourselves just chatting again about stuff.

Not once did Rick act like he was pressed for time and just simply enjoyed hanging out with people who treated him like just another person instead of a rock star. Though, I could not leave without telling him, "As a drummer, thank you for influencing me to keep playing." I could truly tell that he was touched by that because he looked he square in the eye for a second before replying, "Thank you."

By then Foreigner was just starting their last song so he had to go get ready. He went to go find a Lep rep to escort us back out. He absolutely did not have to come back after that but he did and wished us well. He took the time to shake my hand long and firmly and give my wife a hug. He thanked her for a gift she gave him and his wife. He obviously never had any fan give him something let alone his wife! He was just sooo grateful. He introduced us to Joe the rep who was to escort us out. My last comment to him was "Break a leg." On our way out, the rep did not lead us around but right through the personnel building. We passed Joe Elliot in the hall. I got to say, "Hey, 'sup?" I did not want to try to stop him considering, as I felt, I was their guest. He is much taller than I thought too.

So we found our seats, which were sooo kick ass I cannot even believe it still. My wife got to stand with her arms ON THE STAGE! We sat through the…..sigh….. Styx performance before Def Leppard took the stage and rocked the house. They all did a wonderful job. Rick Allen is such a phenomenal drummer and he is even more amazing live. I mean, he is better with one arm than most any other two-armed drummer in the world.

We got home around 2 am and I got up at 5am to go to work. I was so tired I had to get a large Monster on my way in just to wake up enough to drive. I would not have traded the experience for anything. Rick Allen totally gave me a once in a lifetime experience that VERY few people will ever experience and I will never forget it no matter how old and senile I get."
