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Penny For Your Thoughts

August, 2003

Leppard male bonding circa 1982.

Rick: "Who's bloody idea was it to play Twister in the shower?"

"Hey! This is great! We can get drunk and sober up in the shower!'

"Well Mutt, you DID say we had to clean up our act!!"

"Whose bloody idea was it to have this picture taken in the shower room with our clothes on anyway?"

Sav: "And it's THIIIISS big!"
Pete: "Where did Sav get those shoes - HA!"
Steve: "Careful Pete - you're gonna spill your drink."
Joe: "Whoa! I'm falling!"
Rick: "I know I don't have a single hair on my chest yet, but dammit I'm gonna wear my shirt open anyway."

Joe: "Rick? Is that your stomach I hear growling?"

Steve: "Hey Rick. If we both push ourselves together, we can squash Joe's head between us."
Rick: "Yeah - good idea. I think Joe's getting a little too friendly down there anyway!"

"Come on baby the camera loves ya, just say cheese!"

"Ok work it baby! Give daddy some sugar for the camera! Yes! Yes! Yes! Nooooo!!!"

"Ok--a little to your left......oh shit! Not that far!!!!!"

"Back it up Phil....a little more....keep going. Nah, don't worry about that cliff there....KEEEEEPP going."

"Whoa! What is Joe doing over there? This is a blackmail photo if I ever had one!!"

Malvin: "Rick, make sure you're looking into the right end of the camera this time, okay?? We have enough photographs of your eyeball."

"Now where is that zoom button......OOOOHHH yeah!! Heh, Heh, Heh!"

"Sorry guys - I just can't get all of you in the photo. There's just too much of Sav's hair flying around."

Phil in the background: "Look out guys. Rick has the camera again. You remember how much trouble we all got in last time with his candid camera?"