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Penny For Your Thoughts?

May 2011

Here are your captions. Thanks to everyone who submitted them.

(Photo courtesy of Steve Clark Guitar).

Rick: "Got my date for this evening lads......we're off!"

Rick: "My ideas have become greater since joining the band. See? Instead of a standard light bulb, I get a tall
light stand complete with shade to keep my bright ideas from blinding people."
Phil: "Okay, trying to do bunny ears on Rick never works. Stupid light stand! Rick needs to stop with those ideas of his."
Sav: "Rick, Phil, be cool, okay? Be cool."

Rick: "Drinking? Us? Absolutely not. We party with lampshades all the time."

Sav: "I dunno whose worse - Rick and his lamp, or Phil sporting a sweat stain on his shirt. At least I look fantastic."

Phil: "Bunny ears!"
Sav: "Does anyone smell something burning?"
Rick: "Oh, that's probably just my hair."

Photographer: "Aren't you guys a five-piece?"
Rick: "Not today. Today we're a quartet - me, Phil, Sav and this lovely lamp here."

(Photo courtesy of Raven Drum).

Rick posing with the President of his fan club.

Rick: "I may not be as young as I used to be, but I can still attract the occasional chick."
Chicken: "They said I was getting a new roost, but this is ridiculous. Wait..." *tilts head* "Wow, he's rather cute from this angle."

Chicken: "So.....I hear your a vegetarian. This is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!"

Rooster: "Oh my God!!! It's Rick Allen! Rick - I'm your BIGGEST fan! Just hold still a second while my wife takes a photo, would you?
The cows back at the barn are going to be SO jealous!!

Chicken: "So - you come here often?"

Rick: "Playing the state fairs are fine.....but playing the country farms might be a bit too much."

Rick to photographer: "Um.....when has this guy eaten last? Should I be concerned? Let's wrap up this photo shoot before something bad happens, please?"