It's Time to Say Goodbye to *NSYNC Humor 2000...

Hey guys, it's time to say goodbye and shut down *NSYNC Humor 2000. I'm guessing you saw this coming after me not putting any updates up in MONTHS! I just got bored of making this site and I've improved my site making since this one. I decided to make a whole new site which I am very proud of and is much better than this one.

Giddy Up and Get Down is much better looking and way more improved, I have people helping me on the site now so there is much more variety. I loved making this site but it was time to shut it down.

Thanks to everyone who was a fan of this site and helped keep it around for the short time it was around. I hope you guys will enjoy my new site as much as this one! Thank you again!


Giddy Up and Get Down: An *NSYNC Humor Site

If you still want to look at the old site, I'll leave the address to it here but please don't send me any more mail to the address posted there, you will get no answer. Thanxs!
*NSYNC Humor 2000