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Extreme Board-dom ~ You know that Ski Free game that comes with some computers for free? Well this is a lot like that, only better. Have fun!

Space Blammo ~ Fly around and shoot stuff.

Revenge of Yar's Revenge ~ This is like an old Atari game.

Snowflake Game ~ Here you get to catch snowflakes on your tongue. Whoopdefriggindo.

Celebrity Dunking Booth ~ Get revenge on old celebrities by dunking them in water.

Trick or Trash ~ I haven't played this game in a long time so I forgot what happens in it. I'm sure it's fun though.

The Gobblenator ~ Be a turkey who shoots people.

Snowman Thing-a-ma-jig ~ Uh, I don't know. A game with a snowman or something.

The Love Tester ~ This is just like that episode of The Simpsons where Grampa and Moe go to the restaurant.

Executive Basketball ~ It's like an office with one of those little basketball hoops by the garbage can and you get to throw stuff away.

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