synide biography

The urge to become famous rock stars came for us in 7th grade. We had a dream. We had just started to listen to KoRn and 311 and stuff and we wanted to be like that. So we threw our Nike's out the window and started wearing Airwalk (ok we were in 7th grade). Ryan's grandma bought him a guitar and he played through a kareoke machine. It pretty much sucked, but it was ok for then. Will had a drum set and played with this other band he was in with his preacher's son. They played at courthouse day, which is the biggest "event" he, or we, ever played. We joined forces. The band was called Sulfur. Great name, no talent. Sulfur died, but the dream lived on. In 8th grade we decided to try again. Ryan had his same guitar and a new amp for it, with REVERB! Reverb opened up new possibilities to the band. You could know nothing, and sound like a song on the radio, (kind of). Will got a new guitar and it was kick ass. C.J. came in with his drumset and we had half a band, some of the necessary members with little talent. Korey wanted in on this action and ordered him a geeter. We had a problem then. Three guitar players? No bass? What the hell was that? It was too much and not enough at the same time. So someone had to go, and someone had to come. We drew straws (Just kidding). So there was Ryan who liked to screw around a lot and get nothing done. There was Will who could get things done, and Korey (who wasn't officially in the band) just wanted to be like KoRn. Cj also got a girlfriend and you know how that goes so he had less time for the band. Why kick just one when you could kick two for double the price? Will kicked out Ryan and C.J. and instated Korey in one quick breath. Will realized his mistake and reinstated C.J. The band needed bass. Matt Nicholas, one of Korey's 6,598 cousins, jumped on the BANDwagon (get it?) and got one. So the band was hole, for a while. Matt had no long-term stuff invested in this whole crazy band idea so he went after a couple seconds on his own free will. Ryan was sitting in the corner playing with himself and decided to get a damn bass. He got one and the band was back. (Keep in mind there were about 2 practices in all this time). We started playing together and it sounded pretty good. We picked up Joey (vocals) in 10th grade and we were fully loaded. C.J. pumps out phat beats on the drums and Ryan churns out groovy bass lines on the, uhhh, bass. Will and Korey are like Munky and Head's little brothers. They rip up riffs and make the whole thing sound cool. Joey has added our much needed lyrical dynamics (screaming) by spitting out insane and offensive lyrics. and we are now THE band not just a band. This is where we stand today, when new stuff happens, (like it usually does), be the first to know by checking back here every now and then.

the band's respective pages

joey reisz
will thomason
korey hensley
ryan thompson
c.j. martin
updates to the site AND THE 'NAME OUR BAND' CONTEST!!!

our current roadies
