Buy Kittie "Spit" Now
KiTTiE Reviews
I kinda feel like an idiot now that I made this section cause I forgot what I was gonna put here. I worked too hard on this site to just go a change every page so, I guess I will just put some song review up or album reviews up. I'll do something with it.

KiTTiE - Spit Review
I don't own the CD yet but I have like downloaded most of the songs on my Napster. The album seems really good. I had no idea that there was girls out there who could play better guitar than me let alone play guitar. I really like the meanings of the songs. It really adds a new mood and feeling to heavy metal. I like the techno-like background effect in "Brackish". There are alot of songs that sounds good so I would recomend buying this CD.