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Capulet's Official Website

My Favorite Movies

Mt Favorite Websites

the coolest dancing hampsters in the business
my favorite college band, and an awesome pic of my big brother Adam
my favorite singer
my tour group

This is my very own web page dedicated to my friends. I love each and every one of you guys, you are all my biggest supporters, without you I would be nothing. Spring - You and I have had some outrageous times and I know that there are so many more to come. You are one of the best friends I have, we are too much alike in too many ways. Lelia - You are always the level headed and I know that I can turn to you when life's crazy and I don't know what to do. I owe you for so many things. Adam - You're truly one of the best guy friends I have, you're practically family to us all. Keep your faith in God, and trust in us both at all times. Jimmy - You ARE the best friend in my life, I know I can always look to you for anything. You have given so much to me in the little time I've known you. You are truly someone special to me, I love you. Stacy - Duck, we have had some wonderful memories and some good food. You are such a wonderful person and I thank God everyday for you. Justin - My dear big brother, you are great. You are one of the first people that I know I can come to with my prblems. You and Stacy are two of the luckiest people I know. Sheena - We've held through so much together. You are beautiful and have the greatest personality. And when you're sure of who deserves you, know that I'm always here for you....thank you. Sofia - Comrade, you are the most hilarious person I have ever met. The low brass section at Princeton far exceeds perfection because of us. You are the best, and I'd kill John Phllips Soussa himself over it. Leslie - You are hella-awesome, you're one of the ones I can truly depend on. I'd trust you with my life if I had to, you are yourself and I love it. Ben - We've been through a lot together, and I know that you are a special person in my life. Take care of my Spring, and always remember that I am here for you. Britt - You're an awesome guy, I wish you the best in all you do. You mean alot to me. Renfro - We've known each other forever, and I hope you know that you are and have always been a big part of my life. We have a special friendship. Erin - This last year has brought us very close together, and I'm very thankful for that. I can trust you with anything, thanks babe. Rob - My little brother, you're one of the cool ones. Feel priviledged that you have been accepted into the family. You're wonderful. Matt - Woof, woof...we've gotten close this year, and I'm proud to be a part of your life. Even if you aren't old enough to get into the movies alone :p Jess - We have lots of fun together, you are a wonderful girl and you should know that you only deserve the best. You're one of the srongest birds I know! Amelia - You, little tiger, are very dear to me. We have two great years together, and I love every minute of it. Wash your paws, and worship Tamarack. Seth - My dear, you know how special you are to me. You've given me everything I have ever hoped for. You are the compiment of my life. Thank you, and I love you. This year has given me so many joys, I can hardly name all of them. To all my class of '99, I love and miss you all. To my beautiful band, I love all of you guys, you have really worked had to do what no one thought you could. I'm very proud of you, and I hope to see you back next year working harder than before. It feels so damn good to be Grand Champions. To my volleyball team, you guys are wonderful. We have taken the Libery Invitational this year, and next year I hope to seize the states. We can do it. - When one door of happiness closes, another one opens; But often we look so long at the closed doorthat we do not see the one which has been opened for us. -Helen Keller - My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep: the more I give to thee the more I have, for both are infinite. -Romeo and Juliet I will have poetry in my life. And adventure. And love. Love above all. No...not the artfulpostures of love, not playful and poetical games of love for the amusement of an evening, but love that...over-throws life. Unbiddable, ungovernable-like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. Love-like there has never been in a play.
