Sara Stallings

Tim Roos

Tim Roos is a fresnman this year marching second bass drum. He played in the sideline last year and proved himself to be a very skilled percussionist. Tim is a very quiet person, but seeing how the line is, we still have 3 years to change him...

Gavin Burke

Gavin is a very dedicated percussionist, but mostly to Jake's snare. This is Gavin's first year in the line and he is marching the third bass drum. Gavin has wandered to the frontline for the winter season to march third snare.

Adam Hildenbrand

Adam Hildenbrand is...Adam Hildenbrand. He is marching "Bertha" this year, which is our fourth bass drum. This is his second year with the line. Last year, while he was an eigth grader, he played in the sideline. He, like his sister, has an acute case of UCB. He took his music hime the first night and memorized it. He is a very dedicated person, and will be a good addition to the frontline next year.