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Heavily Armored is a Christian hard rock band from West Tennessee. Their unique style of Christian rock music combines heavy guitar riffs, a pulsating drum beat, and in-your-face vocals with clearly gospel lyrics giving praise to Jesus Christ. Their music ranges from slow and melodic as in the ballad "I Love You Jesus" to hard and heavy slam-fests such as "Break Down The Walls (No Games)" but the majority of their music seems to fall somewhere between the two while always maintaining the well defined hard-rock edge that gets your heart pumping and your feet moving.

Although much of their music is totally "mosh-worthy", there is no mistaking what these guys are all about - winning the lost to Jesus. "We are reaching out to a generation of people that many in the church have labeled as unreachable and showing them that not only can they have life more abundantly and receive the inheritence of Christ, but that they can also have fun doing it." says lead singer Jeff Cross. "God is raising up an army of Holy Soldiers that are faithful to the truth and not ashamed of the gospel. We are honored to be a part of this movement and love to see God do His work. After all, everything else fades away, but God is forever."

To learn more about this up-and-coming Christian hard rock band, visit their homepage by clicking here.