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> TFSS 9 : OnLine Archive
>  The Paula Rushworth Interview

> This interview is taken from TFSS 9, and helped the issue to become the biggest selling issue of TFSS to date. As the issue is no longer in print, we have reproduced this interview on the website due to popular demand. It seems that Paula's name still causes a 'reaction' amongst fans - and many fans were desperate to hear exactly what had happened with the fanclub she ran and the friendship she had with the Pearsons. Here is the interview,unedited and taken word for word from Paula.
> If you have anything to say about The Pearson Posse or this interview, please email us

>The Five Star Service is pleased to present a revealing interview with Pearson Posse Fanclub founder, Paula Rushworth. 

>When the Official Five Star Fan Club folded in 1990, the unnofficial fan club “The Pearson Posse” began. Founded by Paula Rushworth and a small group of other fans, the aim of the Posse was to provide fans with up to date information about the Pearsons.

> Members had the chance to meet with each other, visit the gates of Stone Court and, later, StMichaels. The Posse newsletter was published several times a year, with up to date news from Five Star, due mainly to the apparently strong friendship Paula had struck up with the Pearsons. Highlights from these newslettersincluded a detailed report of Paula and her friend Kelly’s
visit to see the Pearsons at home in the US and numerous other detailed reports. However, just as suddenly as it began, the Pearson Posse ended with the once friendly Paula sending out a harsh message to all subscribers stating that the Posse
had ended and that Paula “no longer wish(ed) to keep in touch with anyone. I am so sick of all the hurt I am caused by lies and people saying I’ve said things that I have not. This was a hard decision to make but it’s for the best.” Now, for the first time, we interview the woman who was once claimed to be “The Pearson’s favourite fan”. This interview is transcribed directly from Paula’s own words and has not been edited in any way.

>How did you first become a Five Star fan?
I first became a fan after I saw them on TV. I was impressed by their dancing and Denise’s voice.

> What was your favourite Five Staralbum?
“Shine”. If they had found this album in 1987 maybe they would still be around today.

> How did you get to know the Pearsons?
I got to know them by writing to them through their fan club. After a while I was invited to their house in Sunningdale for the filming of the UP2U programme and I met the Pearsons and also appeared on the show. I was then invited to video shoots etc, and I also visited their house most weekends.

> What is your favourite memory of the Pearsons?
I’ve got lots of favourite memories of the time I spent with them, but they’re private.

>How did you find the Pearsons as people?
In real life the Pearsons lived in a dream world, but if you got beyond that, they were nice people.

> Would you describe yourself as a ‘friend’ of the Pearsons?
I would say that I was a friend of the Pearsons, but you sometimes did not know where you stood with them.

> Who was your favourite member of the group?
Denise was my favourite, along with Lorraine. Denise is a very unique person and the friendship we had was so cool. I will never forget it. Denise would not give much away, but when you crack hershe is chatty and very funny. She also liked to have personal jokes and sayings and she even invented a handshake we did with each other!

> What about the others?
Delroy did not say much but was always polite. Sted was always chatty and very polite. Doris was also very quiet butwhen you did have a conversation with her she came across as warm and genuine. Lorraine was always good for a laugh and chat. She could cheer anyone up.

> What happenned when they moved to the US in 1990?
Not much was heard of them, but I was still in touch with them. I decided to let people know what they were up to in America. The Pearson Posse was born.

> What was the aim of the Pearson Posse?
The aim was to restore faith in the Pearsons among their UK fans, as I will even admit they left under a cloud and some people felt a bit let down by this. It was nice to get feedback from people thanking me for letting them know what
the Pearsons were up to.

>What happenned to the Pearson Posse?
The PP members spoilt it for themselves, well, a numebr of them. The more you do for some people, the worse off you
become. I just decided I did not have to put up with these immature people and gave it up.

>What stopped you being a Five Star fan?
I just grew out of Five Star. I guess my music tastes changed.

>Would you buy a new Five Star album?
I’m not sure if I would. I guess not.

> When did you last see the Pearsons?
I saw them a few years ago and it was so nice to see them. We chatted, but I would never want to be as close to them as I
was. I also sadly, received a letter of sympathy from them last year, after my dad’s death, which I thought was a nice

> What type of music do you like now?
I’m really into Celine Dion. I’ve been a fan since 1990 (even when I was a Five Star fan). I even bought Lorraine one of
her CDs when we were shopping in LA! She’s incredible and I have seen her in concert ten times! I’ve also travelled to
Paris and Holland to see her and I’ve also had the luck to meet her five times. She’s so normal and will always give you her
time. She’s very very genuine. When you write to her she always replies ; The world’s biggest selling female artist always remembers the people who put her where she is today.

> What are you doing now?
I’m now 29 and I still work in Marks and Spencers. I’m always out having fun or travelling. I also do a lot of charity work
for cystic fibrosis and I’m the godmother of my friend’s little girl.

>Do you have anything to say to members of the Pearson Posse?
I would like to say ‘hi’ to evevryone who was in the PPFC. I hope you are all OK. Good luck in all that you do. Keep smiling! But please do not write to me about the Pearsons. I only gave these answers to help Michael. So, no letters please.

(c) PM Productions 2000
Thanks to Bobby Ali for the photos.

> TFSS COMMENT : Well you heard her! No letters please! Needless to say this is only one side of the story and the other side is really very interesting. Sadly due to legal reasons we are unable to print it . . . . . . but it really would sell papers!