Dave's Basement

________Dave´s Basement________

Download "Forever is Measured in Calendar Weeks"
September, 5th

awwww... i'm sorry website. I still love you. I'll always love you; no matter what.


August, 7th


Find out on the next episode of: the unupdated website.

June, 24th

Hello,... So we haven't done much as of late... Dave and I were talking about an ad we saw in the metro times that said if we send in a cd of our stuff to some address we might be able to play the warped tour (local stage)... it seems like it could be fun... so on to the cd dilemma... I wrote a new song... it's so new that dave doesnt know its finished (the skeleton)... it still needs to be molded into a full, three piece song... Well... i think i'm gonna add some more pictures...



June, 10th

So... for Dave and I, our high school education is finished... Graduation was this weekend... I dont know how dave's was, but mine was good... This month is a scrambled mass of unconventional band funness... We're playing three graduation parties... Dave's, Emily's and mine... In addition to the parties is a Free show at garden city park which is posted on the shows page

The new song, "see you on the 29th", is really nice... We also worked on "sometimes, the bar eats you" we added some nice meaty instrumental stuff... I like it a lot... well, okay



May, 12th

hello... sorry i havent updated the site in a while... i havent been busy... i just havent done it... so to all of you that enjoy this site... i'm sorry...

Well... we're trying to get a recording done before the school year ends... we have a new song... i forgot what it's called i think it's "see you on the 21st"... i love it.. it makes me smile... i hope our fans (teehee) can get a chance to hear it... well...

peace and unity,


April, 22nd

Hi... The show yesterday was really fun... not half as fun as the ritual wendy's run with i think 15 people... that was nice... I'd like to formally thank Emily and Adam for helping adjust the sound =)... We are playing the John Glenn Talent Show this year and we have rehersal after school all next week... i can't wait... Thanks to everyone who came...

Peace and Unity,


April, 8th

Hello... we had a mixup with the booking at the token lounge... so, we'll only be playing one date this month, the 20th... So we won't be playing with Enough to Face which is a bummer. I don't know the details of the show because Jer booked it, but i've heard they're might be some bigger bands... We might have Forever is Measured in Calendar Weeks put on a compilation from maystreet records and might be playing some shows to support the comp...


March, 8th

Hello... so, the talent show was a success. I'm glad so many people enjoyed it. We played a song called "Forever is Measured in Calendar Weeks", contrary to the "14.2 = bootylicous" that I said... I added a few more pictures to the site. The token show is on Sunday, still... I hope everyone can make it...


March, 4

We are playing this Sunday, March 10th at the Token Lounge. We play at 7:45pm and it's $7. Come see us, and purchase our stickers, if you would like.


Feb, 13

Feb, 5

Hello...I just booked a show for March 10th at the Token Lounge in Westland. Details are up on the shows page and more will be up as we get them. We've been working on some new songs, and changing some old ones that hopefully we will unveil at this show. So you should come see us if you'd like...we have stickers.

May all beings know peace,


Jan, 31

Hi... I plan on updating the website to include lyrics and individual bio's... some lyrics might already be up and linked at the bottom... if you'd like to contribute to the individual bio's sign the guestbook with ideas for them...


Jan, 12

Hello... Well for an update we've been working on new material and trying to make a decent recording... but we dont have any shows booked so if you're in a band and would like to play a show we'd be happy to oblige...i was thinking of putting up lyrics on the page... but i'm not sure yet... i changed the guestbook...


Dave's Basement is:

Last Updated: May, 12th, 2002

A Compiled List of Our Songs
A Collection of Dave's Basement Lyrics

Email: JustinBasement@hotmail.com