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Welcome to the homepage of Southland Technology.

We offer the following services:

Computer Repair

Computer Running slow, not running at all let us take a look at and get it back up and running in no time.

Computer upgrades

Computer not up to speed to handle the latest software out we'll turn that slow machine in to a computer that can handle the programs that require higher resources.

Custom built computers

Want a new computer but hate having to settle for what it comes with? We build them to your specifications so you have exactly what you want. you'll never have to worry about: It doesn't have enough RAM or I don't need all that software they add in to increase the price.

Home Networking

Have two or more computers in your home hate having to use all those floppy's to transfer information, or want to share a high speed internet connection. We can save you the headache by installing a home network for you.

How To computer lessons

Not sure how to get around your computer, Or just lessons on how to do things with your computer. Just contact us and we will be glad to help.

Need assistance with any of these services? Give us a call at (985)876-0913 or E-Mail us at